Failure is not an option?

Why is tempering capped? Why is there a timer in the Pit? Why is masterworking expensive to reset? Why didn’t Duriel drop a uber? Why do we only have 4 resurrects in NM? Why does the rng in this game suck?

I keep reading these questions over and over on these forums, and i ask myself, why is failure not an option? Why do people want a guarantee of success? If everyone had everything they wanted, we would all be full best in slot equipped 3 days into the season, whats the fun in that? Arpg’s are grindy games, a endless chase for unreachable perfection, is it not? Am i wrong?


Its OK, its a performance metric.

Its not OK, you have to spend reagents to up item again anyway, but its tolerable.

Its stupid to put uber unique in uber bosses, its not a Diablo 2, people want fun, not dungeon reset every 30 second 100 times in a row. Uber bosses itself is a stupid idea, uberuniques itself is a stupid idea for 3 month seasons (but its ok for eternal realm).

Its OK, its a performance metric.

RNG is fine.

This is very old stupid korean-style idea they came up in 2024 game. You already have expensive masterworking (8+ tiers are not easy to get, 1-8 are pretty boring to get), not free to reset and a 64:1 chance to proc on required stat all 3 times, its impossible to get all items perfect to the end of the season. You don’t need lineage RNG in addition to that. If you will make it cost 100 million to reset - it would make it farm one day to do so, but at least you could do that. It’s anti-pattern to break the item you get.

And the cherry on top - you also need to drop perfect 3 stat scaled legendary (and 4 stat unique) and you can’t re-enchant it, your item should be perfectly drop for all 3 stats and I never had even 1 item like that.

The time it takes most people to get them, they won’t have much time to use them and then it gets taken away never to be seen again in the seasonal realm until you have to farm them all over again every 3 months. This isn’t fun in my eyes, having to make new characters time and time again gets old fast

Playing the same character forever gets old even faster. If you wanna play the same fully decked out character forever, with no goals and nothing to work towards, by all means, you do that, thats what eternal realms are for. I prefer to have a fresh start every now and then, to keep things interesting.
Yall need to stop complaining about this. Diablo 4 is a seasonal game, same as Diablo 3, same as Diablo 2. Its been like this for 25 years, people who like Diablo, like seasons. If you dont like seasons you are playing the wrong game.

You do you and I’ll do me and I never played any of the other Diablo’s so I don’t care how it was. If they want to improve their dying game then changes need to be made but hey you continue to back a dead horse by all means, I guess you don’t see anything wrong in what Blizzard is doing and think the game is just perfect…deluded


I never said the game was perfect, dont put words in my mouth. You are the deluded one here, if you think you can just stroll into a genre you never played and demand one of its key features changed to fit your view, without fans of the genre speaking up against it.

I’m not the only one calling for change but we get people like you defending it at every turn, people like you are what’s wrong with games today, along with YouTubers. The game is a mess yet you will defend it regardless and I can’t see why. I play with people who played all the previous ones and they too want it changed and are tired of the same shit every season, so I’m just voicing their views and yet people don’t like it


Im not defending it at every turn, im defending my oppinion, just like you are defending yours. I have had plenty of criticisms of this game over the past year, and i still do. But i think the game has improved alot, and i reserve the right to think so.
You can dislike me and my oppinions as much as you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are the one who wants to change Diablo into something that it is not.
If you dont want to start over every season, go play eternal, thats the solution right there. You already have what you want right there, yet you still wanna take away seasons from those who enjoy them.
You say im whats wrong with gaming today, but im not the one who wants to ruin the key feature of the game for others, and im not the one who turn to namecalling and personal attacks.

Agree with me, or disagree with me, it doesn’t matter, bottom line is ARPGs are seasonal games, it doesn’t matter if its D2, D3, D4, PoE, Last epoch, or any other ARPG, they all work the same way, each season you start from scratch. If thats not your thing, you play eternal. This is what the genre is, and it is what it always has been.

Oh, and by the way, thanks for derailing my topic, this is not at all what the thread was about.

Season concept is okay. The problem is we need a Season specialty, something that is fresh and changes some things or is even crazy. Nothing they did as a Season-theme is that. They play it way to save for the seasons. Also they should decide if the game should be more MMO-Style or Single-player-style. This inbetween with the bad and/or the stale of both worlds sucks. At least the basics are now good. We can now go and improve on the advanced parts of the game. Rewardstructure for example or crafting in endgame or how NM-Dungeons are structured (for the first 25 or so it is ok after that is gets beyond boring) and many more. Also Failure is not an option in the broader picture because it is a game desigend for us to win. For crafting there is bad RNG-layers on top of each other and Über-Uniques are just a badly implemented idea from other games. Can we fail if the design already failed in itself?

I agree with most of what you are saying, i too think seasonal themes so far have been underwhelming and somewhat uninteresting, a lot more could be done for sure.
I also agree that NM dungeons need to be worked on, they, amongst certain other endgame activities have been neglected in favor for helltide and uber bosses, and currently only exist to level up glyphs.
As far as uber uniques go, they were always a bad idea in my oppinion, they started off too rare, completely out of reach for 99.9% of players, and when they were made more available, people started depending on them, but still struggled to find them.
I also agree that the game is designed for us to win, but I think theres a difference between winning and always winning. If you can’t loose what value does winning have? Failing a tempering on a item with with all the right affixes sucks sure, but finding another item with the right affixes has never been easier. All items are 925 now, and you only have to worry about 3 affixes instead of 4, and with a lot less affixes as a whole, this greatly narrows down the search for that perfect item.

My question is does every item need to be something you need to do something to it?

Like how about just Rare item that drops rarely and I want to equip it because it has 10-12 interesting FIXED Affixes? No modifying just Rare item that has level and Stat reqs.

Also what is the purpose of Blue and Gray gear? Blues used to be Ethereal in D2. Gray dropped with multiple Sockets.

Go play D2? Nah. Already played it 20 years and PoE 10 years. D4 should be better game by now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Like the game really has zero interesting random drops right now. First Act D2R has more interesting and MORE drops than D4 whole item drop pool.


I didn’t resort to name calling I’m not 10 ffs but the Eternal realm is empty and the seasons are what give you something to do BUT you don’t need to make new characters every season and for your information, seasons were introduced in Diablo 3 and weren’t like that always like you claim and certainly not for 25 years. People who play Diablo DON’T like seasons because lots play Eternal Realm a lot still because they too are fed up with making new and useless characters every season. Seasonal content is poor at best, and having four missions for the new season is bad. I haven’t derailed your topic, you complained about failure not being an option and I’m telling you why they should remove the option of failure. You get 3 months to play with a character, and then that character is lost forever once the season is over. All that time is wasted because unless you play Eternal Realm you will never use that character again and all those 200+ runs of Duriel or the other bosses are for nothing. I don’t believe for one minute that running all those is fun without getting an Uber, why can’t they allow you to either earn more Ubers to make builds fun so we can get on enjoying the game or allow us to use the Ubers we spent days, weeks, months farming once we reach level 80 say. Some people have jobs and don’t have the time to farm for these and I think it would bring more people back. Games are not meant to feel like a job or a chore yet this one does every season. They shouldn’t cap tempering either because you spend days(like me) farming for that perfect item only to brick it after 5 attempts of getting the same affix 5 times but I guess this is fun to you yes…oh what fun it is to spend all that time farming for you to waste that great item WOW

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How shortsighted can you be? Say you got your way, say tempering had no limits and seasonal characters were forever. Fast forward 3 months, and you got the build of your Dreams, every stat is near perfect and you deal hundreds of millions of damage, crushing everything in your path. Season 4 just ended and season 5 is about to start, and it takes your godlike character all but 5 minutes to clear whatever seasonal content was added, then what? You go farm some more gold to try to turn that one last 49,5% stat into a clean 50%? You go kill Duriel again for that one last uber you still havent gotten for your collection, even though you dont need it? You stop playing because you ran out of meaningful things to do? Or do you make a new character and do the whole thing again? Oh wait, thats how seasons work now and you dont like that.

Seasonal resets are what keeps games like this alive.

And btw, yes, D2 had seasonal resets aswell, they just called it ladder instead of season, but the concept was the same: you start from scratch to keep things from going stale.

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They were in Diablo 2 all this time. And people started to play D3 again when Blizzard added seasons and seasonal patches/content. Wake up.

Because we spent 12 years playing Diablo III and still haven’t perfected the gear of any of our characters.
Failure IS an option. Challenge is fun in good measure. But not having any closure ever is unpleasant for a mortal species like ours.
We just want to see at least one thing we’ve started come to a glorious culmination before we pass away.
In the case of Diablo that is a character adorned with 100% perfect gear and an immaculate paragon board.

Wrong they were introduced in Diablo 3 and I just searched it so you need to wake up.

Well, i am not wrong. It’s almost 21 years since first season ladder. From Diablo wiki:

“Ladders were introduced in Patch 1.10 (…) The first of the ladder seasons began with the initial release of Patch 1.10 on October 28, 2003.”

If you think farming over and over and over again is fun then you truly need to get a life, there is no fun in spending days to get that near-perfect item only to brick it because out of a 3-selection affix, you get the same one 4 times in a row, where’s the law of averages? there just isn’t any and I have a life and don’t spend my life playing this game. I play it for enjoyment(but enjoyment ended months ago personally). I’m not the only one complaining about bad tempering and the rubbish seasonal reset. I play with players who played from the very first Diablo and they too are tired of the seasonal reset and wish they would bring back where you could continue levelling certain stats or something like that they said to me. The game isn’t in a good state at all and that’s after a year, these devs are so far out of touch that players are dropping this game quicker than ladies of the night drop their underwear. Only the fanboys who see nothing wrong still play and defend this game and until people wake up, we are stuck with the same shit every season this game and others have to offer. Too many people these days blindly throw money at game companies and gladly bend over and allow them to plough away regardless of how they treat you/us…smell the coffee Bro!!


You don’t have to play EVERY season. You can start for example with season 4 and continue when your character transfers to eternal. So, if you skip season 5 it means you can play one character for 6 months. It’s half a year - enough to min/max you character. If it’s still not enough time for you then don’t play games or at least choose a game which is not about the grind.

What is this topic even about? I don’t remember as it started 2 weeks ago and i don’t want to waste my time reading all of this again. I believe all guys here, especially Savator explained some things to you as clearly as possible. Yet you still try to deny the fact of seasons existence in Diablo series. You want to change the genre into something else? You can’t. But you can change the genre.

you tell them lowie! tempering sucks rn :rofl: