Falling floor in campaign

Jesus christ this falling floor in the campaign is stupid.
I never complained about a HC death in any game, but this is just stupid to add in a campaign where people play HC.

I can understand the lillith fight, but to randomly have the floor fall out and kill you in a random instance in the campain is just sad.


yep, that killed my first caracter as well. So stupid…just shows you the devs don’t play HC.

Yes, this is what killed my character just now…
Was in a room with the 2 hands(Akarats tomb?), and the tile i was standing on just vanished.
No warning, no effect, just boom character deleted.
I’m done playing for now, these things are stupid and a waste of time.

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Lost 2 characters here.

Second time I got feared into running onto the tile

Same. I just hit 51, several hours in. Been playing HC since D2 and the one-shot mechanics in D4 just make you feel cheated.

Second time i died to one shot mechanics, uninstalled battle.net
This is rubbish

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What is worse is when you lose the character you had worked hours on, getting the levels, the gear, the glyph levels and the mythics to an insta kill mechanic like that. There was one with Lilith, but with Lilith, you can see the floor being destroyed. This one, you barely see the dusts appear and then the floor simply disappears, no falling animation.

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