Feedback for Latest Patch

Hello, Everyone
So I have only played penetrating shot rogue since i found the legendary in the beta that lets your pen shot split when it hits a ememy. Its fun, its great, I like the ‘big badda boom’ and the elite is gone.

So I play a variation of penetrating shot rogue and it is not really top meta i would class it as a ‘good’ build solid choice if your good at kiting. I generally use 2 swords and crossbow, relying on building combo while making the target vunrable, imbude then crit with high critical damage for high spikes of damage (I like big numbers not lots of little ones). It was alright it was doing the job hitting lvl 80 felt like my damage was just starting to drop off comparing it to other build i saw. Before this patch i was pushing 45-50NM dungeons. After this patch im struggling to kill things that I could before easily some even taking more then 2 rotations. My build already felt slow compared to others and required more setup. And this patch just doesn’t seems fair, it feels like because my class fall under the “op rogue twisting bs dash through everything build” as somone that is playing different kind of build then the top one has been punished. If this was for the sake of “allowing other builds to shine” then it feels like you have just gutted mine.

Just as a numbers point of view for others who find it hard to follow what im saying, I went from perfect set up around 1.1m-1.2m pen shot before patch to a 700-800k pen shot after patch.

Now I understand the idea was the buff stuff like elemental damage and physical damage (note that rogue don’t use 1 damage type they generally use atleast 2 so its hard to stack 1) but that don’t cut it because of the way multiplier work in this game its like forcing me into playing one type of damage that needs to be stacked make it useful so I would have to wait for that certain imbued to be off CD to make a build useful. This mean what i get to do damage like every 15 secounds or so. Like this is not dark souls when im trying to look for a point of opening on a enemy, its a ARPG i want my char to go BOOM! and fulfil my power fantasy.

The patched note stated that these changes were because certain affixes were outshining their alternatives. But it feel more like these affixes were outshining their alternatives when played with the best build on “enter website name here” not even thinking what it will to do them mid tier builds, as if everyone is sitting on BiS items. Like when i saw the notes, -40% vunerable damage, less vunerable damage on crossbows, less crit damage on swords, nerf to CD, Nerf to CD on imbuded skills (which my build uses 2 of). I know it isn’t but it feels like a personal attack againt my build.

If you wanted other stats to be stronger so people could try some build diversity nerfing the ones that all builds use have made those mid builds that still use them stats feel weaker so people are going to floak to the meta builds even more.

So this brings me to my experience today logging on after a short lul off the game being excited for the new patch. Logged on my stats have gone down. Tried to do a t40 got less exp then I was expecting and Im seeing a decrease im my damage numbers comparitively (note my gear isn’t optimal so i had stats that have been buffed and nerf on my gear). Less damage, less exp turning to an even longer grind because my build wasn’t fast anyway has now made my exciment for the season dwindle. If I had to pull out 1 positive about this patch I can say there was a noticable difference in the loot i was getting, quite afew more ascended peices of gear, I liked this.

Hope somone can read this and pull some useful feedback from it.

just to clarify did you just say you were running tier 45-50 nightmare dungeons prior to patch at level 80? and your complaining you can only do tier 40 now? ya id say you need more nerf. i see level 100 streamers running tier 50s…not level 80s

Yes, doing Tier 50 at lvl 80 is very very high. And as stated in the patchnotes for the long-term helth of the game some multiplicate stats was tuned down to where it was intended.

Look at it this way. It was never ment to push that high, so early. Damage across the board was tuned down which is clearly visible in the patch notes. So i can not understand your comment “feels like targeted my build” becaus that meens that you only was reading half of the patchnotes, and on top of that tunnel-visioned hard to your class disregarding the big picture of the game.