I bought D4 in pre-order. I played the campaign and the story was mid with some good moments (killing the horadrim’s son to release Astaroth was cool) and some very weak moments (Inarius’ death - I had hoped we would fight an Angel as a boss).
The state of the game post-campaign disappointed me very much, especially that patch that nerfed every class.
I played D4 occasionally for some hours on some seasons and it was mid-to-ok which was an improvement. I must point out that, while it was an improvement, ‘mid-to-ok’ is an experience far below the enjoyment I was expecting from your product given the price tag.
Due to my experience with your initial product I didn’t pre-order the expansion. I’m glad I didn’t buy your product for the current asking price.
From what I saw while watching content creators the campaign sotry experience was just below mid to bad, with nothing really achieved. Very disappointing.
From what I see, the game outside of the story seems to be improved - good for D4.
Dark Citadel endgame system requires the user to play with other users, yes? That automatically makes the system dead for me since I specifically play AARPG solo. As such, I disapprove of the design direction for D4 - this makes me less likely to spend money on this product in the future.
With things being as they are, I will check out PoE2, some other competitors in the gaming market (different genres sonnot mentioning), then, once VoH is on a sale that corresponds more to its campaign’s quality value, I will consider buying it.
As it stands, the ratio of your product’s (D4) quality and enjoyment of the experience to the asking price makes the product very unattractive in my eyes.
I will continue observing D4 development and wait for next installment - obviously, I won’t pre-order.
Ensure that the narrative you develop actually leads somewhere. As it stands, the narrative os an excuse for the next installment.
Granted, one can argue that any narrative in series of products is there to lead the franchise to its next installment and that is true - but one can make a narrative leading to the next product much more compelling than your narrative in VoH.
Reading about the multitude of technical problems at the launch of VoH makes me all that more certain I won’t be pre-ordering your products in the future.