Fire Sorc too Weak — DEV’s Please RESPOND

I’m very grateful for the dev team fixing a lot of issues that were wrong with the game and tweaking hydra at the same time a very small amount however I must say I despise cold skills and I dont care for lightning skills my enjoyment has always come from fire skills and like in diablo 3 the fire skills in this game are incredibly weak compared to ice and lightning, I’ve made it to 100 and beat all bosses with the exception of Uber Lilith then i watched a video of a lighting orb Sorc beat Lilith in like. 30 seconds, its this kind of unbalance between skills that will cause me to just find another game to play. I understand that devs play the lighting Sorc and that’s why its so power so why dont you devs play a hydra meteor Sorc and make it viable because some people like fire, almost every single item i pick up has cold or lighting or cold and lighting with very few fire mods. I just want to say once more that I’m very happy the dev’s have listened to the community and made changes especially after the horrible first season but common devs please do something that makes all spec skills viable not just the ones you play. I see lots of other people with comments near the same so im literally just asking the devs here to step up and make the game enojoyable for everyone that likes to be the odd ball out. I watched and hoped in d3 for fire to become viable it was viable twice with meteor and tails once and then it was viable before you guys messed it up by making the off hand only work for tornadoes which was stupid considering it was and still is one the the strongest builds in d3 which is why I finally got tired of waiting for you guys to give some love to fire. I’m a simple person so its pretty basic, I would appreciate a reply from a Dev good or bad, either you have plans to do something to make meteor and hydra powerful and fun or you dont please reply as soon as possible so i can know if I should continue to play D4 with hopes that it will be more fun or If I should just give up and go play other games. Thanks DEVS!

I understand you guys have worked some on incinerate and fire ball, not fun skills, not worthy of game play and exceptionally boring walking around all day hoping fire ball hits what you want it to or just just boring old incinerate. Though I understand some may like these 2 skills at the same time as weak as they are they are still more powerful in potential as Meteor and Hydra, its almost like you want fire Sorc to just be a damage over time build which is a horrible ideal in this game for people that dont want to have a game style like a warlock from a diff game.

My thoughts about the uniques and Uber uniques, they seem to benifit cold and lightning just fine but are absolutely worthless for a fire impact build unless your hitting all your buttons constantly over and over non stop which is no fun at all, the new rings you announced coming to the games look nice as well but in all honesty they are not any better then a normal rare ring you can get in the game, at least not for Sorc and barb, though the barb one is a step up its still a joke, you give all the other classes rings that will increase their power incredibly and you give the Sorc and barb junk rings, like you ganked those 2 classes worse then any others in season 1, I mean do you dev’s have some issue with barb and Sorc, why can i get murdered in fire spec no matter my build i use when i go to pvp as a Sorc and rogues are untouchable, again Im glad you have made improvements but to make a statement like “we have not messed with the rogue cause it seems to work well” is false because its out-powers every other class in the game in almost every other aspect except now the boring ass lighting orb Sorc which is stupid. I’ve no interrest in even thinking about playing another season and definitely have all but decided not to even bother looking at buying any more content (expansions platinum cosmetics) for diablo 4 until you guys make some changes that actually expand on fun for the masses instead of what a few of your streamers tell you because in all honesty im tired as hell of dev’s listening to streamers and do what they wish for and not the masses, hell with the streamers they make up like 17% of your fan base, its the rest of the people that you need to satisfy all i do when i see a streamer using these boring ass builds is turn them off and I’ve more gotten in the habit of not even watching any streamers for this game at all, really for any game at all because in general all they do is ruin games. It seems like this game will follow suit if you guys want an example of how streamers screw up games look at destiny 2, it has a lot of issues and half of them are because half the people only listen to streamers until it was obvious they messed the game up at which time the devs apparently just game up. ALL games would be better without streamers asking for things “they” think would be better in so doing messing them up, though there are a few good ones like Ginger Gaming Mentor who tell it like it is But i notice for those kind of streamers who actually communicate with the masses you guys pay no attention to. Like your announcement for the ladder your putting in the game and at the same time saying all builds will not be able to do the new boss, well as it is only a few builds are even viable in this game at all for anything above say a 85 nightmare dungeon. How is anyone suppose to look at what you guys are doing in anything other then a negative way when you start to make good changes then just stop character advancement with crap rings and at the same time announcing another expansion which in my option you should not have done as the game is still broken as hell, rubber bands in a very bad way sometimes ( and no its not my internet )! You guys ar getting too greedy to make a buck without making sure the product you have fooled people into purchasing works correctly and then when people try to get refunds on an unfinished product you make it virtuously impossible to do. Shame on you blizzard at this point if you guys cant do better I’d suggest Microsoft just gets rid of EVERYONE at blizzard and starts fresh because even though I think half of you really try the other half is going to cause. You to fail, failure is failure no matter how it comes about, you either succeed or you fail there is no in-between. It’s a very simple thing, If you guys cant do better then people should just go back to poe and get ready for POE2 because even though it is an unstable ip and lags like hell at least there is so much end game content you want get tired of it easily the one things Diablo has always had over POE is the simple fact it has always been a stable platform up until now, sometimes the game lags and rubber bands worse then poe ever has which is saying a lot and should give you guys a clue!

Fix the problems you have, make the balance changes you need, even out the skills and classes of all playable characters before adding more stuff in the game to break it worse then it is, no new class or expansion or anything else you do will be as good as doing those 3 core things first and foremost, anything else is a mistake and just shows that a company really doesnt care how well its product works or how much people enjoy it as long as they make a buck…… This is Why Bungie has failed and most likely will have to give up another IP and start over because they dont seem to learn question is will Blizzard do the same or get smart?

Devs: “We’re happy you love the fire sorcerer class! Thanks for playing!”

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