Flame shield - are you kidding me?

Hi, can someone from Blizzard explain to me how Flame Shield doesn’t work? +/- half an hour ago I died in HC mode by Lilith. 65 hours I farm level 100 and full equip and Lilith kills me because your basic passive doesn’t work in HC mode? If I knew that, I could have had any damage passive and killed Lilith instead of the non-functioning immortality, or I could have used scroll of escape omg… Where could I have read that Flame Shield wouldn’t work on Lilith or maybe on the whole hardcore mode? I don’t know if this is supposed to be a joke, but I find on the forums that many people have addressed this here and even since release. You either have to write to the skill that it works outside of Uber bosses or fix this bug. Either way, I would appreciate it if I could get the character back and I’d appreciate it if someone from Blizzard would calmly get back to me for details. It’s really not okay to sit at it for hours and hours and completely unnecessarily because you have a broken mechanic in the game. I’m really very curious how you guys are going to handle this situation…

Flame shield does work on lilith though.

Lilith is bit buggy sometimes so if you manually cast it then you might still die because you cast it too late, but if you put it in enhancement slot it will save you from her spikes or other attacks.

Only where it doesent work is if you stand too long on arena part that she breaks. Also for me it didnt work once when i dodged too far during first phase.

Also you wont get your character back. When you start hc they warn you that no matter what happens they wont return hc character at any circumstances and you accept that when you start hc game.

Tons of people have died in last couple weeks due to lag. Tons of lvl 100 characters got deleted, not because of player mistakes but due to blizzard and not a single one got their character back.