For people who can't clear T7 hordes yet, it's impossible to get Stygian stones

Just want to get this out here.
My friends and most players in diablo 4 can’t clear T7 hordes.
Don’t know how many % of players can clear T7, but it ain’t much.
So for them it’s just impossible to get their hands on Stygian stones.
You guys need to give us more ways to get stygian stones cause a lot of people getting tired of this grinding without any result.

If you only are able to get stones by doing T7 hordes how are the players with less gear ever be able to get their hands on great gear?

This is a thumps up to players with already good gear and a big FU to players with bad gear who try to grind this game legit to get better gear.


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I can clear, as can all my friends and most players. I think that if you can’t, then the problem is you. And most normal players are tired of crybabies who are trying to make the game casual, and if this continues, then no one will play this casual

i can clear a T7.
My friends can’t.
This isn’t the issue if you can or can’t clear a T7 horde.
The problem is that the droprate of the Stygian stones in the Pit are as good as non-existent.
It’s about how frustrating it is to get your hands on Stygian stones.
Btw: (1) not being able to to clear a T7 horde should not be a reason NOT to get your hands on Stygian stones. (2) casual players who have families and not play day and night should also through clearing Pits be able getting their hands on Stygian stones, defeating Tormented bosses, get better gear and then be able clearing a T7.

Do not disrespect casual players who have a life next to gaming.
These aren’t crybabies but hard working people who play games in their free time.

Run T6 then stones drop from there too

you do realize that the Casual crowd is what sells games right ? if the casual crowd didn’t play the game it wouldn’t make enough money to at least break even let alone make enough money for an xpack or a sequel

normal players are the Casual