Fugitive head drops

Can we make sure these heads also drop when playing solo please !!! cause now they just dont drop when playing solo.

throughout whole T3 I literally didnt got one single head until another player at the end came to help me (not in a party) I got heads in T1 and T2 only because there where many more times when players where around to help. So, it really seems they ONLY drop if you are near another player or in a party, but even then its RNG. Seems we get punished for playing solo. Even the season dungons didnt gave me a fugitive head drops.

I got as ton of the bosses that supose to drop the heads but being solo they NEVER dropped. Can we fix this please ? otherwise this game is a waste of time.

They do drop solo, i exclusively play solo, and i got a bunch of them. The thing is, they are pretty rare and the drop rate scales with Difficulty, i found all of mine on Torment 4. To state the obvious, remember to use the Draught of Whispers elixir, for the heads to drop.