A few days ago, my game randomly bugged out, it did an update, ran fine for a few hours and now periodically says something is corrupted and crashes out.
I’ve messed with all my CPU and GPU settings and it’s fine, done memory tests and there’s no issues, yet Diablo 4 just likes to turd it’s keks, anyone else having this issue?
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Thou hast Nvidia, get a new driver? It went out yesterday. Is windows updated? P.s. And try to change “croma effects” from 0 to 1 is in the “config file” - localPrefs.txt
Everything was fine until Diablo 4 did an update.
Considering Nvids drivers were causing issues I’ve not changed mine for a little while.
Windows is up to date and no corruption either.
Though, now Battlenet won’t even launch, so im going to uninstall everything and try again.
Check the Windows/Applications’ journal. Maybe the malfunctions are indicated there, maybe a problem with some system’s drivers. It can also be.
Apparently, this is indicative of the memory leak issue.
I have been fortunate to not actually encounter that until now.
A tiny update from Blizz and now Diablo 4 is eating as much RAM as it can and using more than normal amounts of VRAM too.
The ONLY change was Blizz doing a little update. Event viewer has a warning/error saying Diablo 4 was using a stupid amount of virtual memory and ran out. Also explains why it can crash my system.
My system is completely stable, I ran a whole suite of tests and benches that would fail or crash if I had any issues. This is most certainly a Blizzard issue. The game and launcher have been reinstalled also, problem still persists.
Maybe try to reset graphic settings! Hope it helps!
i had same the same issue+ loading screen freezes. Updated my nvidia driver and now its working fine.
With 572.42 the game running after 10-15 minutes just perfect. before that massive laggs xD. Running now better then before with 572.12 and 565.90. Have a 2070 max q.
make sure you using DDU to uninstall correctly and NVcleaninstall for small debloat (disable driver telemetry, just look on youtube ) of driver. For older cards it could help alot.
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Doesn’t start up for me at all, it just disconnects and it been 14 days.
Already done that, still does the same.
Its diablo 4. Its always diablo 4.
Since it started, Windows 11 points straight at D4.
Windows 11 is complete shit. Many problems with games because of it.