Game is a stuttering mess, unplayable

Pre built ASUS ROG pc with a 3080 and i7. Literally no issues with any other game. I have tried everything i can think of. Gsync, no Gsync, all low graphics settings, doesn’t matter. Game freezes while doing anything, opening inventory, in combat is really bad. The freezing, and stuttering is pervasive, task manager says my PC is fine. This sucks butt


Exactly same here. Alot of freezes, stutters etc. I also have way higher specs than needed for this game, no problems before xpack


Old PC used to do that. New pc not anymore. I dont know why I got no problems what so ever, my friend who has pretty much similar PC (better CPU and more RAM but I got better GPU) and he crashes constantly. He just cant do anything, move in city; crash. Open inv; crash. Get group invite; crash. Join group; crash. Teleport basically anywhere; crash.
That is not normal.
Every other game has no issues.

Its just that Diablo 4 was built on crappy engine. They built Diablo Immoral (Immortal) first, then built Diablo 4 on the same machine they used to get Immoral to PC. It just wasnt made to handle all this and players are the ones suffering and developers cant fix the issues, they are simply making things worse as they continue to add content.


I’ve had no problems too but I turned off Ray tracing and all my crashes have now stopped


Same issues here.

I have a powerful pc thats never once stuttered in any game in the last year and suddenly, issues. Ive checked against other games i play on max settings such as Satisfactory, Witcher 3 etc and no issues.

Last night i was playing D4 and my computer completely shut down and restarted because of it.

Dunno whats going on.

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Raytracing was the culprit for me.

Turned it off, games looks the same but the stutters are gone.

Other than that, very sporadic stutters are often SSDs that cannot handle all loading textures at once.

And a reminder for Intel CPU users to load the new machine code from intel to avoid damaging their CPUs permanently.

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Same here. Stutter Fiasko at it’s best, unplayble, even after two hot fixes !

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I didnt crash even with ray tracing but to be honest the amount ray tracing is adding; its not worth the heaviness of it.

i have the same problem. a good thing i didnt pay for this

I did have it, but D4 was installed on a 2tb HDD, deleted it and reinstalled it on a 1tb SSD and stuttering immediately stopped.

Revert the nvidia drivers to the prev version

Try disabling cross platform gameplay in the game settings.

It fixed the crashes for me. Only problem is, I have to switch them back on for the citadel sometimes.

Had to set the game to Medium to completely stop the stuttering, the freeze ups loading between areas was getting on my nerves.

Disabling the ray tracing and cross-platform game. SSD drive, reducing quality of fur and fog, excluding real-time scanning in an antivirus, disabling acceleration in*Discord or simply closing it after starting the game, cleaning a computer from dust, running as administrator, at least optimal power consumption in a video card driver, enabling vertical synchronization in the driver, and not in the game, if there are gaps. How long have ye been optimizing thys disks? Try it, maybe it will help.

Just tested it again.

Cross platform enabled, stuttering mess in hell tide, near unplayable.

Disabled, nearly no stutter.

This might be related to player numbers in one instance or bad cross platform sync.

Skill delay, laggy chat what does it cause? Also high end pc 4070Ti i7 13k 32gigh ram 6400 mhz fast ssd…

nothing helps, I have tried everything

The main is not the power but optimization - compatibility. Games have always lagged behind technology, so such power is simply not required. All problems are caused by corporate greed.

I have exactly the same problem but from what I see the developers are busy with something else like putting items into the game instead of optimizing

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