Since about a week Im getting disconnected very often when entering the game or portals. There is a dialog “Your client has beed disconnected(…)”. I’m playing on pc and ps5 and it is happening in both cases. Fenris log:
I 2024.11.05 20:02:23.451554 36813 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone 'Kehj_Gea_Kul'
I 2024.11.05 20:02:23.459368 36813 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.464562 36962 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.464577 36962 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.522204 36966 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.522339 36966 [Game] Client world initialized Limbo (1048576)...
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.522449 36966 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1498.15, 286.06, 98.30 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.525833 36966 [Game] [Prism] 13580: Purged 338 entries from the render and compute pipeline caches in 1.083ms
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.530346 36966 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.653072 36966 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo | CWorldID: 1048576
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.654901 36966 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.740635 36966 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time (1.00s)...
I 2024.11.05 20:02:24.985353 36981 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 10
I 2024.11.05 20:02:25.071140 36986 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 | solution: 67 | time_elapsed_us: 5
I 2024.11.05 20:02:25.752250 37027 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2024.11.05 20:02:25.752262 37027 [WarpManager] [sPlayLoopEffect] Loop effect is none, Showing loading screen UI
I 2024.11.05 20:03:05.556184 42880 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2024.11.05 20:03:05.556496 42880 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2024.11.05 20:03:11.211370 43726 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2024.11.05 20:03:12.211348 43876 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2024.11.05 20:03:12.217916 43877 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
I 2024.11.05 20:03:22.662662 44501 [Sigma] [bsSocket] [:0]: Closing socket due to error 10054 in read.
I 2024.11.05 20:03:22.678230 44502 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 10
I 2024.11.05 20:03:23.748278 44566 [Sigma] [tact] [:0]: DNS resolution completed in 60ms.
I 2024.11.05 20:03:27.866367 44812 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 9
I 2024.11.05 20:03:27.869393 44812 [Game] [Prism] 13580: Purged 44 entries from the render and compute pipeline caches in 0.873ms
I 2024.11.05 20:03:27.869426 44812 [Game] Disposing UI for World
Internet connection is working fine, there are no disruptions. I’ve also checked it with my ISP. Is there way to fix this? Is it a known bug?