Goodbye Diablo 4 on Blizzard

I admitted as much. But perhaps your reaction is disproportionate. Perhaps. I am not the arbiter of your reactions and I am not against your complaint. But I think you can be unfair at points which is why I highlight the fundamental D4 game.
Fundamentals is not enough, however. There must be an item meta that’s well made also. And so much more.

Me and you BOTH are bored. But I am a specialist at boredom, I’ve accepted my situation because there’s nothing out there. And I do enjoy smashing monsters. The problem is that I feel I’m not going anywhere in particular. The reason I smash the monsters is to score ubers at Duriel. It’s not what I want because then what?
I want to roam the world, exploring and adventuring, finding others who do the same, but I’m confided to helltides instead of going around for whispers because they’re not rewarding enough. There must be more on the map.

In reality I BET that we have much more in common than you think. We’re just passing each other for the wrong reason. It’s not just on you, however, it’s me too.
So apologies for that. I just wanted to say:

Because that’s fair and what I see. With time this will grow into a great game. That’s my honest belief. If it’s make belief I don’t know. Perhaps. Perhaps it’s that I wish for a good game to come along that I can play and I hope this one’ll be it. But I do envision it.

Take it easy. Let’s not kill each other over this. It’s not my intent to be your adversary. I just want, like you, to express myself and be heard by others.

He asked you to stop commenting and kindly go away. You then proceed to make a massive reply followed by two more?

I’m beginning to think you’re a simpleton living in a cupboard.

Oh, you think that insulting me excessively will somehow further your points or make me go away? I see your special kind of person who believe they are in the right to and can bully anyone around as you see fit and then jump up on your imaginary high morality horse. You’re only the victim of your own negativity, has nothing to do with me.

Let the thread die. You won’t get rid of me, no way. This is an open discussion, not your discord. So you can just stfu about that rn.

Complain all you like on a public board but don’t expect everyone to chime in, that would be completely moronic to do.

Trick: Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer.

That looks ‘kindly’ to you, so thing is that we don’t have much in common but I’ll keep writing replies for certain to make sure people like you don’t seem normal to anyone who’s watching. You deserve to be called out and this topic creator should be ending his forum presence if he’s leaving the game if he’s got any sense at all. Naturally he doesn’t, so he stays to write about how terrible things have been for him like a true Karen of the internet. Got his hours worth, no problem, but that he just ignores and proceeds to incessantly whine on and drama about his imminent and supposed departure.
I say good riddance but let’s continue on for as long as you wish, I’ll be here.

Helltides give only poor items nothing good for end game.
You have to run NMD over 90 or Duriel to get end game items (925). Helltides give materials to run Duriel, nothing else.

But he enjoys it. He has 6k armor, low resistances, he plays one class and he is doing helltides “for fun”. That’s why this “specialist” participates in every thread on the forum. He made 18 posts in last 24 hours. Impressive. I guess he will respond in less than 20 minutes.

They give steel so.

Don’t need 925 for armor or jewelry. The added armor is good but the affixes are more important. Can’t go too low though, ofc.

I got 9k armor and my resistances are at 3x50 and 2x60. Buffed I’m at 3x65 and 2x70.
I’ll fix that just right, np.

I write a lot. Read a lot too. Guess you don’t like that just like you don’t like D4, makes perfect sense. And you keep clicking me also, checking out what’s going on with me… and talk about me. You see how that’s a whole lot weirder than writing posts and attending a forum? It’s a bit creepy how u dig around… just find something to say about this guy… how… something… When in reality u should be focused on the discussion. But personal attacks is of course part of your general “discussion strategy”. You think that’s normal. You think it’s full normal to completely lose track of the topic and go at this particular participant that you disagree with. No reason to have arguments if you can make the guy look bad instead. See how that’s weak?

It is called spam - turning the forum into a garbage dump.

Then you go ahead and report it.
Try: “This guy is writing contrary opinion to mine, extensively, and should be banned for spamming because that’s how I think it should be interpreted.
Check how that doesn’t work. And check how much I put into each post and compare it with yours.
Actually, I’m going ahead reporting you for trolling.

If I need Duriel Materials, I sure bye them with money. And I only use 925 items, it’s only way to get strong builds.
That’s the way I even play games, to get better and better builds. I have almost every Uber I need only GF is missing.
Nowadays I play 80% less than before, waiting PoE 2.
I don’t care much for D4 anymore, they can do what they want.

Yea, like … I got 2 uniques incorporated into my build and I got 4 planned for the end.
I’d like to point out that what you get for 925 is some points of armor. Except the weapons you don’t need that. But whatever you like. It’s nice with armor but I need specific affixes, that’s what floats my boat.
So I’m building right there on spot, not in the maggot cave. To keep the helltides rolling was salvation for me. That lets me continously play and progress at every moment I play, which is very important.
I play for the same reason you do but I am in no rush. And I play to explore the possibilities. There’s some but could absolutely be more.
Anyway, hope things will work out with PoE2. It’s anticipated to be good.

Youre not getting your money back. They got yours, they laugh at your efforts and move on.

That’s true, but let’s change the game. They maybe learn something. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

you waited that long to leave. i left right after season 1 drops. maybe you will learn that the title of “live service” on a game means scam to get you to buy things with little or no real content provided at release or in the future.

you went straight to the end game: forum complaining.
good call there, it’s the best part of any game.
Lately I’ve been feeling taxed playing so I’m kind of swinging back into whining for a bit. Last season I was 200 rotations before I got my one uber. 800 runs. This time I’m not going in as hard on it but I heard drops doubled since. I’ve made maybe 50 rotations so I guess it’s not too surprising I don’t have anything but I wish I was lucky so I didn’t have to do that. Go figure how clever an end game is that no one wants to do and the only alleviation to it is overpowered builds so that we don’t have to actually play it, just put down a few minutes and it’s done.
If each run is 1 minute long, 800 runs is 800 minutes which translate to over 13 hours of playtime that I didn’t want to play. Not sure how many more of those I can tank.

I didn’t think I achieved anything by getting that thing, which is the point really; like you say, there’s nothing to it. It gets extra stupid when the season ends also.
The reason I did it was to play some pvp, I was thinking. Not because I’m very interested but because there’s nothing else to do. So I went out there before I had Harlequin and I killed some guy, maybe… not sure. There was a barbarian that I couldn’t damage but he couldn’t hurt me badly so I kited him and then followed him for a bit. Then there was one barbarian that did 50% to me but as I ran he gave up chase.
Afterwards, with the AoZ glyph at something like 40k ap, I was there again and there was a couple of guys that attacked me. I didn’t even understand they were players, they just died.
Wasn’t too much of an end, pretty disappointing. Was hoping there’d be some balance but there’s none. They said so also but… well… I was hoping others who had fair max was out there, looking. Maybe they are. Who knows.

Been thinking about what you said putting everything on gear and nothing on skills. So like I think that the game scales your damage exponentially. Obviously that must be the case. I never look at the damage numbers but people are talking about billions so…
Now I think that’s the wrong way to go about it. I think that the damage should scale logarithmically, the inverse of that. So instead of growing massively in the end, giving you a sense of accomplishment and power, it would grow lesser the nearer the end you are. Like the first piece you get grows you 100%, next 50%, next 25%, and so on. Instead of the reverse.
But yea, you’d lose that sense of power achievement as you perfect your gear. But like, I would get 1% extra on the item if I was having fun. I’m not though. Not really. It’s not innovative, it doesn’t bring anything. It’s just good technically. Then I go to those guys Last Epoch or whatever. They’re innovating but doesn’t have the tech, so loses anyway.

That would put everyone who has fair gear on an even playfield. Then something like this gauntlet becomes about skill and a bit of luck, not an initial mega grind into a stomp. Most could give it a try then. And pvp would work cause there wouldn’t be a large discrepancy between everyone in terms of performance. Same with legions and world bosses, they’d be naturally balanced because everyone would do about the same.
But this game doesn’t want to be about skill, only about grinding.

Tried some t96 the other night. I can do it I think, barely, but everything’s a damage sponge. Got 25k attack power and max armor and resistances but my build can’t do that. Got wrong skills. If I sweated it I could do it. Would take a lot of time though and it’s not for me.

I don’t feel it’s wrong to sell merchandise, cosmetics. I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. I feel it’s fair. No one has to make those purchases, which is what makes it such a good model because people still do.

Let me put few cents here. We are blizz clients who paid a lot for their product, not only money but time, which is priceless, as we love D franchise since being young. now they fook it up. whats the purpose to keep Enternal since they implement everything into seasons? let ur wifes blizz love you one day, one day not. season comes season goes??? maybe there a lot of peeps who like seasons. there are many who dont. we paid you to keep beloved game running and developed for all kind of monsters! Hail the Eternal, move ur butts and do some interesting content to Eternal now, before expansion :slight_smile: gauntlet? why the fook only season? are you seasonal workers??? do it or you loose me forever - even if we are minority, me and few here! Every client counts you bloody capitalists. Love for d4.

Lets do what man says. Love to Eternal. :grinning: :heart_eyes:

I’ve been thinking eternal lately also. Bit tired of this, it’s too much trouble.

i think you spend more time on forum than the game…

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