Goodbye Diablo 4 on Blizzard

Before everyone states I’m here to moan and bait, that’s not why I’m here.

I believe Phil Spencer is doing the right thing by moving this game to GamePass. It’s dying and needs urgent CPR.

Blizzard failed to convince Microsoft and it’s fan’s/gamers.

I have GamePass until 2025, I’ve spent £150+ believing Diablo’s director and developers in Diablo 4.

So I am raising a request to Blizzard to refund my Diablo 4 purchases or I’m threatening to permanently delete my Blizzard account which is worth a tad more.

I’m just money to them ofc, equally £150 is nothing to me. However, they’re losing a once loyal customer and when they decline, I will be uploading my evidence here on the matter. I may be £150 shorter, but the benefit for me in the long run will be that I’m no longer tied to the blizzard crack and gambling of mtx etc. I am free.

Farewell Blizzard, Hello Microsoft, Path of Exile 2 and Last Epoch



Moving to Gamepass is just fresh meat to feed D4.

Blizzard know that D4 have big problems, but they will never show it in public. 90% of players will say that this season is weak and still no endgame contenct. Players who play this game like 1-2h per day gonna be fine, but players/streamers who play 4-12h per day pretty much after 1week nothing to do.
They made lunar event, which was a joke and was possible to complete under 1h, but they make priority to launch skins price of 30-60e, so this only proof what for them is important.

Gaunlet gonna give some fresh but for how long? After so many bugs in this season not expecting they gonna launch gaunlet without bugs or exploits in first try, but who knows.

We all love D4 and we want fair, interesting game, but blizz need to make bigger changes into game, even if they say “they listening community” thats mean they dont listen not enough.


Yea sure, more things must come but the base gameplay is there, I think there’s a bright future for D4. But yes, that’s in the future. Right now I can see how people feel there’s nothing to do but that’s not how it is for me because I just play lower level and take my sweet time building my character with ideas I have. That kind of freestyle prolongs the game greatly, especially since I’m not focusing Duriel or uniques.
I’m looking forward to s4 and the new itemization. I hope it’s something special.
This is all fleeting to me and nothing I find I think will be very good later on. I don’t play for tomorrows but for today and I think it’s working great for me, I’m having fun and was surprised how good I think s3 has been since helltides roll constantly keeping me busy.

You did a straight u-turn on this game, I can’t take your opinion seriously. Last time you went HAM criticising this game but now you’ve had a change of heart and your point is that you’re not focusing on the main point of this game which is Duriel and Uber uniques.

The casual part of this game dies within 2 weeks of its seasons. I don’t know what point you’re trying to make but if you have “fun” mindlessly running around helltide and dungeons, I urge you to go play Grand Theft Auto 5 or Cyberpunk, there’s far more entertainment out there.

You said this within the same paragraph:

“I’m looking forward to s4 and the new itemization. I hope it’s something special”
“I don’t play for tomorrows but for today and I think it’s working great for me”

As the once great Michael Jordan said, “Stop it, get some help.”

I’m no casual player, I just don’t play your kind of game. And in that sense perhaps I represent the casual players, not sure.
I don’t play for tomorrows but I do look ahead and what I see is good.
Once the Duriel focus lifted, because there was helltides open at any given moment, the game begun for real for me. Before that, in s2, I was stuck going to the vampires when it didn’t reward me further than 850+ loot. It was fine for a long time but eventually it didn’t feel meaningful anymore. But the helltides do, cause they bring steel and I can trade that for practically any resource I need + I can use it myself.
It’s not perfect but it’s good. My thorn got removed with helltides timer being changed.
Before that I was worried they was forgetting the world, the reason I play this game.
Realise that any kind of “truth” regarding anything is complex. It’s not as easy as that the game was bad, it wasn’t. I was always happy about my hours but I was disappointed since I felt there was so many hours of lost progression with the vampires. But nowadays I find myself both 900 and even 925 sometimes. That’s enough to secure the best values. I might have to pick up some armor points on the paragon but otherwise I’m fine with 900 armor.
I have to urge you to stop advising me to go play something else. Idk where that even comes from. I’m telling you I’m having fun and you’re not accepting that because you’re not.
And all of this was always mindless. It was always a damage distribution game without any real goal but to kill monsters. I do that in a satisfying manner which makes me a happy gamer and I’m telling you that. You think there’s some deeper meaning that should be hidden here? I think you’ve misunderstood the entire concept of the game, frankly.

Typical blizzard response, so I’ve put a data request which requires 30 days (make sure you do this to any accounts you have before closing), after I’ve received this I can proceed with the account closure.

24 hours ago

Thank you for contacting us about your recent order.

If your order is eligible for a refund, you will be able to request it automatically at the link below:

If your order does not show up on the page, this means that it is not eligible for a refund and Customer Service will be unable to issue one manually.
Below are some of the reasons the order would be ineligible:

  • The product or game has been accessed for too long
  • The order was not placed on this account
  • The order was placed outside of (PlayStation, Microsoft, Steam)
  • The product is an in-game currency or item

Thank you for your patience and your understanding.

Kind regards,
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment

Middle finger to you and your money blizzard, you’re no different from bobby kotick. This company needs a complete overhaul by microsoft.

Yea like… I think you guys are fringe. You think you’re some kind of majority but you’re just in this echo chamber of negativity. You don’t see the highlights and you don’t play like the majority, the casuals, do.
I see a lot of different people around in D4. More since last season. That’s what I see.
Idk if there’s an influx of players though but I do know I’m happy with the game, so I think it’s good to come tell about that. Maybe someone else is also. Looks that way in the game.


And hey, if you’ve played a game 200 hours, and I project you did at least that, do you think that it’s reasonable that you can refund it?
I’d say that if you’re 50 hours into a game, you’ve gotten the value. This kind of game stretches for thousands of hours. If you do get your hundreds and then feel sick of it, play something else with a happy face on because you got a lot out of that.
If you really like it, thousands of hours of entertainment awaits. But yea, maybe you’re done for now. Pick it up come s4 and see what’s going on with it then. I’m going to keep trudging on though, because I think it’s fun.

I have some friends and they are casual. Getting to lvl 60 took eternity for them. And they also got bored after they finished the campaign. Tbh they gave up faster than many of “pro gamers” who still have a little hope that they will find any positives in D4, so it’s not the argument. I see you are engaged in every post in this forum with your “don’t-you-dare-to-criticize-blizzard-cruciate”. So what’s your point Bombus? We can read in your every post defending this small indie company and free-to-play D4. Yes, we all already know that even if Diablo 4 become Sims you would still play it because of graphics, music and all the stuff you enjoy. And i think that many of us also enjoy all this things, but we didn’t buy D4 to play sims. Do you remember Blizzcon 3 months ago? How they advertised season 3 as the season of gauntlet? Not the season of useless seneshal. After over 3 months they still can’t set a date for gauntlet start. So we got seneshal which does nothing, we got vaults which mechanics had to be disabled because it was so bad and we got 2 dates for gauntlet start already but both were cancelled. Also many good changes are the result of pressure from players. There is no point putting yourself in opposition to every criticising thread, as in the end it’s good for game and players.

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Honestly don’t feed this troll. Look at their comment history, they were once on a negative spree, now they’re on a positive vibes spree.

We get it @bombus, you don’t know what you don’t like or like about it either, Like I said, go play open world games.

I haven’t completed the season. Never fought Malphas. Just been busy with the helltides.
I also never completed the campaign (ty blizzard).
Idk how you make ‘sims’ out of the description of what I do in the game but that doesn’t matter to me because I’m still having a good time.
I’m not here to critique your position. You misunderstand me. I want to convey my position and why I think things are going well.
In my opinion the monster smashing is a fine piece of craft, that’s what I want to say. An arpg can go a long way on that and D4 has all the potential to do so.
And… I think it’s good you put on some pressure and make your opinion heard. That’s important and good. But, critiquing your discussion, you could probably be more fair sometimes as a community.
Don’t know why you can’t see the obvious: The monsters die gloriously. There’s many ways to apply damage, more than I’ve ever seen before. Basically this is a good mold and it will continue to grow into a great game. That’s my hope at least. And I think you and me both want that of course.
There’s much for me to enjoy with D4. Tinkering with builds and playing it is good for me.

I’m going to, and that’s this game.
And I do know exactly what I like and not, as have been described. When I didn’t like something I also said I didn’t. That’s comprehensive.

And how am I a troll for expressing an opinion different from yours?
How am I a troll for changing my position when I’m positively enforced?
You’re the troll, of me.

I paid 90$ for a game with potential.

We can end here.

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Yea I know we got ripped… We didn’t expect to purchase a refined beta method.
It’s provocative but I believe this is the new way to start a game. Look at all the early access. It’s been feeling like this with more and more with games over the years.
But I am really having a good time with it. It’s blunt on the items and the bosses. But the basics of the game is good. They’ve taken D3 and made a super damage distribution engine. So many ways to deal damage. It’s truly successful from that aspect.
But like… what I do with my ore though? And why do I need to farm up to a single boss that’s more like a mid-boss, like Butcher? Duriel was always the odd one for me.
Why can’t I kill Lilith even when I feel in perfect form? Farm all days and still she blows me out of the water like it’s nothing cause I fail a dodge once? I get she’s the skill-check, fine, but she don’t have to be dauntless pro-gamer hard. How’s that a fun skill-check for a normal person? And how does it fit into a farming game? And where’s Diablo?
There’s many questions to be answered for Blizzard.
I get that you’re unhappy, just wanted to say that I see a gem glinting in the muck.

I think, for you Bombus, 3/4 of the game is the forum.

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No, I just write quickly. Writing up a pretty large response doesn’t take me much time or consideration. And I like writing so I do that but I play a lot more than I write.
Usually I only play one game at a time, maybe two. And then I usually become active on a board for the game also. Since I only play the one game I spend a lot of time on the board for that game also, writing lengthy replies to salty dogs such as yourself.

you’ve said this in another thread now, and I’m going to ask you again, what on earth are you so busy with helltide for? Lol

You state you’re having a good time but don’t back up what you’re good timing with now, you say the monsters die gloriously? What are you on about? Many ways to apply damage? Tinkering builds? How are you tinkering builds never completing the campaign? You probably haven’t ever reached level 100 or completed one board of paragon.

Dude, stop commenting on this thread please.

Calling someone else a salty dog because you’re having a hard time convincing yourself of your own opinions is wild. Just a month ago you were moaning like an absolute maniac. Go eat grass bub. Stay off this thread. Absolute nut job hijacking my thread.

Anyway f this game and its brain-fart Starfield stans like this goofball @Bombus who doesn’t even know what the F he’s doing in Diablo 4 but is running like a headless chicken on helltide. I’ve deleted my account and I’m never coming back to this game. F you Blizzard!!

I paid over £150 for this game and you have absolute goofballs like @Bombus salivating over helltide. Well, with this, I’m forcing myself to never return to your games. The money means nothing, but it’s a good lesson to never spend a penny on your talentless team again.

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It’s the open world and it’s the end game also because it gives end resources.

Yea, we don’t play the same. You don’t really understand the game probably. You think u do… cuz ran duriel 100 times or whatever.

Yes, there’s many ways to apply damage. Even small damage counts and is useful. It’s a beautiful symphony of damage dealing made.

There’s also many builds, every skill can be built towards and synergized with. First I started this season like I ended the last season. Then I went for stealth. Got some nice concealment pants, several of course. Then I went off concealment into something else. Then it got into something else yet again. Then back to concealment. Kind of like that. Entertaining and filling my stash.
I play a lot with the aspects available to me rather than the uniques, for example.
Not sure how many hours I have on s3 but probably a hundred. More, maybe.
Who knows when time flies.
Thing is that I don’t want to talk about builds with you, obviously. And don’t want to talk about the game even. I just want to give a counterweight to your complaints so that people see that there’s more than your single perspective out there.

That was a joke, but I see how you are of the dull sort.
I was complaining because I couldn’t fight monsters and progress:

Told about that but I guess you don’t really read what I write as much as you project what you think onto me.

You should stay off this forum. Why you come here talking about your departure?
It’s embarrassing.
Leave the game like a normal person. Why would anyone talk about it?
Real snowflake. You really do think you’re special.

Telling you the basic game is top in the world, cause it is. You don’t understand what I’m saying because you don’t even understand that helltides represent the entirety of the fundamental game. So writing you is worthless but perhaps someone else understands.

I see, clever.

You had to have it both ways: It’s both expensive and it’s cheap.
You paid ‘high price’ but you’re wealthy so it doesn’t matter.
So like… ur actually just talking about urself, aren’t u.
This thread is your cry for attention.

Go ahead. I’d do it too, being disgruntled. And like you said, the money is nothing so it doesn’t matter. And you never accomplished anything in the games you played so that doesn’t matter either, any history. And of course you don’t have any favorite things so that sure doesn’t matter. It’ll be good. But please, do keep your latrine to yourself in the future. No need for drama just because you are turning off a game.
And like I said:

You never answered that. Actually, you answered indirectly to not answer:

That’s you reply.
It’s interesting to me how you advise me, who’s content and even happy about the game, to go play something else. That tells me that you are completely blind to my position.

You know… It’s not value writing you or anyone. You always come with these aggressive responses cuz ur so unhappy and angry. That’s too bad. But at least you had fun with the game for a bit. Now you’re deleting and things will only get better from here. It will be a relief when the deletion is complete.
You’re doing the right thing as a disgruntled customer to put down your foot and show that you will not stand for this and be a part of Blizzard community and games. And actually the right thing writing about it too. But what you don’t do right is your dealing with people that doesn’t share your view. You want to create an echo chamber of negativity here, whip up a storm of disgruntled customers that hammer relentlessly on this game for a hundred pages and I disrupt this imagination of yours. You don’t want to argue, you just want to snicker at other hate posts. So you attack my person. That makes me attack yours.
Try and consider that, perhaps. Perhaps not also… just let it pass.

It’s sad how you think I’m trolling because I think something different than you.
This is a discussion forum, for discussing.