Hardcore and Disconnections problem deaths

In this game i have many disconnection problems but i wanted to try anyway hardcore gaming, result i have already had two kills due to disconnection problems.
I’d like to finish the seasonal campaign in hardcore mode but no with this kill due to disconnection problems.
Blizzard, can you fix it with for example a disconnect detection technique that prevents deaths? Many thanks

Last night I entered a nightmare dungeon, had a spike of lag and decided to leave. No need, since the game disconnected alone. No enemies in sight, all elixirs and defenses up.

Today I found my character is dead. A level 90 necromancer. Stolen by the servers.

I never, ever, ever will be playing any Diablo game.

I am done for this useless a***oles of a company forever.

Oh what an ugly story death at 90 level :frowning:

Do you know if “scroll of escape” work to avoid death?

I have found them and i put in the inventory, i hope they work well.


I just had the same, was in a dungeon with no mobs around, received a disconnect message and when I got kicked to the login screen my character was dead.

I assume there’s no way to avoid that and it’s some bug on Blizz’s end.

Hi CitizenIce
I’m not 100% sure but if you have the scroll of escape in inventory i think you avoid the death after disconnection problem, you can try to search info about it in the web. Bye