Hi any Idea as I am getting queued for login and it keeps going up is the server down?

Hi Drakuloth, got the exact same issue but got it on the PS5 (not on a computer).

After reading dozens of posts, I kinda have the feeling it does have a connection with the PS-linking. The issue for me started around 17:30-17:40 CET. If you need any help or info from my side, let me know.

it didnt work, my friends ( about 4/5 km awhay) dont have any problem and login instantly and im waiting almoust 6h in que who goes 3 min down and 10 upā€¦ if i cant play tonight on my day offā€¦ tomorow i will ask for refoundā€¦

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bnet just downloaded the hotfix for d4. But still no luck. 44 minutes is better than 60, but you know, it doesnā€™t help. EDIT: okay, at least the timer is going down now. Thatā€™s promising. Still 37 minutes.

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i feel you bro, just be careful so its not late for a refundā€¦ (even though we both know you wont refund lool:D )

why not, get a refund today - buy the game with a discount in a year

I would totally understand, i canā€™t refund anymore sadly. 35 min quene at 0.45 am in middle europe imaginexdd

i just spend my las day off to play d4 and all for nothigā€¦

I feel you, my fellow Nephalem :frowning:

just got some info from other forums ā€¦ suppose that if you buy platinum (2$) game let you in /donā€™t know if its true

Hm, interesting. It seems like the queue is per account. So Iā€™m starting the game, checking the queue timer, then closing the game. But when Iā€™m starting it again in 10 minutes ā€“ the timer is about 10 minutes less. (Checked in several times)

Or they just fixed it, to the queue size is starting to go down gradually.

I think thatā€™s is just coincidence, Iā€™m waiting 6 h for 60min que who goes to 57 than up to 62

had the same issue - now I have only 23 minutes after the hotfix was applied. EDIT: 15 minutes

Queue starts on 63 min after 4hours waiting it go down to 44min

Same happened to me like the last comments, now less than 1 min qā€¦ i mean to be expected at 1:11 amā€¦

Finally, logged in. Great! Hope tomorrow it wonā€™t take the hole night.

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Server is dying right now for meā€¦ and thatā€™s 8 hours laterā€¦ I am rubberbanding all over the place, only thing I can do right now is wait for it to calm downā€¦

I have 20 min for queue timer to run out, fingers crossed it lets me play. Price is no sleep for work tmrw but oh well

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Gf just logged in randomly from the queue, 7 hours later. Looks like itā€™s calming down

Made a quick check. Closed the game after it let me in. (Anyway, need to sleep before the working day.) Checked in in 20 minutes after. Just let me in without any queue time. So, hope you guys will enjoy the game and we wonā€™t meet here tomorrow evening))

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Happening againā€¦ This is a frustrating