How do you deal with Beast as a summoner

As per title, minions keep dying from the various ground damaging abilities, so i can do him little to no damage.
Considering that you can not control where they move shouldn’t they be immune from that

Beast in the ice? The white stripes on the light blue floor?

Mine don’t die, so it’s probably about aspects, uniques and boards.
You can get plain unique’s pretty easy now from Purveyor, so you may want to get the Ring of Mendeln. As for aspects:

  • Unyielding commander if you use that Ultimate
  • Frenzied Dead
  • Hardened Bones
  • Aphotic
  • Occult Dominion

Maybe (if room):

  • Shademist
  • Coldbringer’s

Paragon: Mage, Golem, Warrior glyphs

Of course you also can look around the web for builds, but I didn’t and this works for Torment I. If I fail, it’s because I didn’t see the white lines and get killed. I may occassionally loose one minion to the frost, but he doesn’t have too many chances to do this, as he’s down in no more than 2 frost sweeps.