So … we now have a Spiritborn! Created by cat instincts and spirit from the lungs (jungle), Maybe or Maybeline is about Jumanji. Don’t you think the druid leaves damage that way. Why not have Jumanji 2 and have the druid switch to Gorilla Tank like this Gronnling Mount in WOW
and be all Rage and not Spirit
My dream is that the developers took up the classic werewolf, which is now in a pitiful state. Shred is weak, but at least hath variety. The Laserate is weak, the Rabies doth not have its own build, and the tree of passive talents doth not even have talents for poison damage. Physical too. Only the nature ones. Aslo there is no bleeding at all. At the werewolf. Funny. For shouts, through the mace, the build is weak, as far as I know, and it is almost impossible to find it on the Internet. The claws without the witch’s staff are weak, and the auto-attack build quickly getteth boring.
I think that the Wolverine is an agility hunter and has no place as a tank against a giant bear .Maybe he pushed himself if we have some bloodline depending on some phase, but let’s talk about the essence. We have 4 spirit animals and three role models