No, I don’t have them.
No, I won’t do them.
Repeating that every season for each character is as stupid as hell.
Big agree, im so tired of re-doing strongholds every season, Just about everything else on the map carries over between seasons, why not strongholds too, and while we are at it, ALL the waypoints, not just some of them, there is zero gameplay value in running arround and unlocking them again every season. I traversed this world for thousands of hours, i’ve seen it all, now just let me teleport to where i wanna go.
Totally agree, just stupid design.
It’s not or well it wasn’t. Strongholds in D4 pre S4(before core game rework) were 2lvl above and items dropped there actually mattered and were much better upgrade.
Also exp. from them was good and served as good boost - which kinda is still true and thats why I do them after lvl 50 to get that extra exp.
Anyways I’m not a fan of getting them “for free” and same goes for WP.
I don’t care you done it thousands time u lazy kids, imagine D2 players cried they have to collect WPs each season …jeeez.
Remove renown, I dont do them either. Give us extra skills etc instead!
Imagine being stuck on video game design from the 90s in 2025.
In D2 you have to travel through the world because the story is all there is, and the story takes you through all those points.
I D4 the story is optional, and the seasonal game and endgame is spread all over the map. In D2 the world serves a purpose, while in D4 the world serves no purpose what so ever, unless it happens to be the small plot of land where there’s a helltide or headhunt going on. When you are not playing campaign the rest is just pointless filler, and running/riding through it has no gameplay value. Same goes for clearing strongholds, it serves no purpose, other than taking up time that could otherwise be spend on something actually fun.
Personally I think the best solution would be to let people choose wether they wanna skip things like renown, way points, altars of lilith and strongholds, the same way we choose wether we wanna skip the campaigns, with the same requirement that it must be done once to unlock the skip option. Make a checklist and let people chose for themselves wether they wanna skip or re-do these mundane tasks.
I am quite sure you have no idea who do you call “lazy kids”… I played D2 since the launch (not online that time).
I love D2, but there it makes sense and you obtain them somehow naturally. Activating WP = 1 click when you are near. They were connected to the places you farm. Here it becames a part of the game, which is senseless. There are few of them that can shorthen a way somewhere, but majority is outside the “track”.
In D4 you:
Farm NMs - no need to have SHs.
Pits - no need to have SHs.
Hordes - no need to have SHs.
Ubers - no need to have SHs.
Greens zones - no need to SHs.
…and youre para 150, with all items - no need to play D4 anymore. (I stopped at 250)
You feel the difference? It is just stupid desing that is trying to prolong the experience.
I really like the wp strongholds, they have value and is worth getting. makes a lot of sense and u get them since ur passing by anyway cos it’s something going on nearby.
All strongholds should unlock something cool like that.
Like I was thinking that if they don’t unlock a wp they should expand the farming grounds, so a helltide or season event has a bigger space with maybe a special chest in too. There needs to be a reason to take on those minutes required to complete a stronghold and today it’s only the wp ones that’s worth doing. idk y ppl would do legion strongholds and such. they still go to legions, and me too, but doesn’t really seem that value anymore and that further diminishes the worth of doing strongholds.
imo, the strongholds should be something you take on as soon as possible also, like a challenge. that’s how i like to level my character, taking some things on while i do it.