Imbuements has to change

I love playing with imbuements but it’s just way to annoying and frustrating to use.

Only being able to use it on 2 attacks means that after you have imbued your attacks you kill 2 trash mobs and then the cd comes up for 13 secs.

The gameplay then results in you having to spam the button and literally have your eyes glued to the bottom of your screen to see when it’s off cd or how many charges you have left.

I would love it if this was changed to a buff similar to wizard skills in diablo 3 or shaman weapon imbuements in wow, so when you press your imbuement the buff goes up for lets say 30 minutes.


My imbuements have 8,38 cd and I dont even have one of the cooldown affixes on my ammy. After that it will probably be something like 6.4 seconds. I also run infusion glyph, so they give each other 0.5 cd off on cast. I have imbuement on literally all my attacks.

I’d change imbue skills to work a bit different in general:
-provide a weaker passive effect by being on your skill bar (ie, cold imbue slows, poison applies dot, shadow applies the debuff)
-activate them to enhance their effects for the next X Imbuable skills
Shadow Clone should mimic your activated imbues without needing the aspect imo, but you have to pop it once the clone is active for it to mimic.


It’s frustrating, but maybe try stacking some cooldown reduction and it also works really well with poison trap to reset the cooldown.

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I think you missed my point here, the problem is not the cooldown but how the skill is used.

I don’t want to have to spam the button all the time and this can pretty much only be solved in 2 ways: either make more attacks be imbued so like 10 attacks instead of just 2 or make it like a buff kind of like what Palumtra here mentioned with passive/active skill or just straight up 30 mins buff.

I’d rather would like to have 1 attack charge but with twice shorter cooldown, than 2 attack charges like now. It would be more dynamic and skillfull.
Because I see no point in applying poison 2 times on same targets or infect them with shadow 2 times etc. if it’s not stack.

Are you sure you want that? You would just be spamming the button even more then now, sure maybe in some situations it could be more skillful but I just don’t feel like this game requires alot of skill.

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It takes a while to wrap your head around the imbuements. They are not meant to spam and they work best with combo/stealth builds and skills that can hit multiple targets.

I have a level 80 flurry rogue that uses shadow imbuement and poison trap. I have 2 apsects that cause explosive reactions between cold and shadow and poison and shadow. I just drop the poison trap, drop back with a frozen caltrops, evade into the pack, cast shadow imbue infecting all enemies and then flurry 1 time and the pack dies killing the elite with them.

It’s all about pacing, tempo, and timing. Develop a strategy. Spamming imbuements would be very OP. Keep experimenting until you get something that works for you.


I just stopped playing rogue, that playstyle is not for me.

If you play flurry, imbue is a bonus DPS. you basically stun the enemies all the time. Puncture, evade and flurry. Of course, there will be a time you got cc but you can escape with step, then go again.

Normally, I only use cold imbue on pack of elites and boss. And rapid fire for single spongy target.

I feel like imbuements works way better on huge packs of mobs rather then on bosses, cold imbuement and shadow imbuement does nothing on bosses and are practically useless in that sense.

The only problem is that the mob density in this game is so low that I never feel like using an imbuement charge or even ultimate skill is worth it, like what’s the point of using a 1 min cd ultimate on 4 mobs? same goes for imbuements.

I really wish imbuements could just be completely redesigned, like for example the new wrathful heart is really cool, that combined with word of hakan could make imbuements very fun to play with (having a small chance to apply all of them at once)

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I used to hate imbu too but now im using it.
might not be exactly correct but currently it adds. 250%+250% damage to 2 penetrating shots as poison. so its like extra 5 penetrating shots.

Pretty strong.

I still agree, current design just feels so limited. with no bonus lvls from items(wich is also a trade for other stats) it feels very underwhelming.

It should be constant buff that can be cycled. Giving bonuses depending on how much u have lvls in specific imbu. Would feel much more fun to have.

would feel like true assasin skill. Shadow for the masses, poison for the bosses, cold for elites. A very strong and fun skill to have.

currently feels just so painfully limited.

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It would just feel so much more satisfying to use imbuements if they were applied like a 15 or 30 minute buff to your weapons imo. The only time I ever use imbuements in D4 at this point is with other effects that apply imbuements like wrathful hearts or unique items.

The problem with imbuements is that they are designed to have the possibility to be used in conjunction with each other. Therefore they need to have a usage limit to enable the use of a second imbuement.
Changing imbuements to time limited use would cause overpowered rogues that no longer need to time their actions. Shadow imbuement for example would kill everything in sight 24/7.