Infernal horde feedback

Remove the circle event because its bad boring and cant be fixed.

if not, then make it better by,

-while standing inside count all kills outside the circle towards the progress.

-make the pull baseline and not upgrade

-make pull cover the whole map.

-limit the spawn rate of circles to 1 unless the player picked it as an upgrade

-Make aether lords spawn without having to run to them

-Make hellborn always run to the player

-Remove stationary mob types like the skeleton balista, make all enemies run towards the player instead of waiting in the corner

-Reduce boss hp lmao

-Give option to spend all points on the chest for a big loot explosion instead of clicking a million times.

-Make loot smarter, instead of 100 scroll drops, make it a single stack drop of 100. Apply same principle to other stackable items, POE did this years ago. Why we need so much clicking?

Because they are click baiting us lol