Iron Golem Summon From Item


Im really enjoying myself so far, becomes better and better.

Since they are introducing more things from Diablo II (Like council members). Would Really love to see an option to Summon the Iron Golem as Necromancer from an item, like it was in Diablo II.

Now I know this will need some tweaking. But hear me out.

Say, There is an unique item that gives the following skill:
‘Iron Golem Can Now Be Summoned From An Item (excluding Uber Uniques), The Golem Will Inherit The Stats Of The Consumed Item And The Item Will Be Destroyed’.

This needs some more balancing ofcourse. Would say reducing the effect by a X% amount to begin with.

I think it could be cool.


So you want 3 different unique items to cover the 3 golem types?
Why make the game more complicated?
What is wrong with the present “book of the dead”.