Latest Patch killed all Motivation

Right now, I am wondering if I should even continue playing as everything has been nerfed into the ground so much apart from Rogues and Druids which despite a few nerfs can remain quite powerful.
I feel very sorry for any barbarians and sorcerers. Barbarians I am absolutely certain blizzard just hate now as now there is legit no reason to play barbarian unless you hate yourself. No good builds, they might as well have removed the class.
Necromancer I believe have a few good seasonal gems that can assist them keep fairly viable but yeh.
Very disappointed. Apart from testing the seasonal gems, is anyone looking forward to season 1 after these huge nerfs.

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To be honest, at first I wondered what happened (wasn’t even aware there was a patch since when I launched the game, I had an emergency so it was patched during a phone call) because I was dying extremely easily, then I realised there was a patch. I first was complaining to myself, what the hell ?

But then I realised I am only lvl 79 and I am doing 30-35 tier nightmare dungeons, even did a 43 one so mobs are WAY above my level and I still manage to do them.

Actually this patch forces me to rethink my approach, not the old “use this, then that and watch every mob die helplessly”. Game is actually more of a challenge now so I prefer this way.

I still did tier 38 nightmare dungeons post-patch, so mobs are something like 15 lvl above mine…so really, this is not that bad, maybe before it was way too easy ?

The only issue I have now is item drop quality doesn’t fit the challenge but I’m sure it will be fixed soon or later.

I don’t complain so far, it’s harder of course but mainly because before it was too easy. As a necro I was able to finish a tier 43 dungeon (at level 77) without any death, was it intended ?

Your level doesn’t matter half as much as you think, you probably end like 10 nightmare dungeons higher… and at that level you just can’t judge how it will be at lvl 100… when you’re actually trying to push to tier 100…
It’s gonna be terrible, cause these nerfs are ridiculous.

Just ask lvl 100 players what it’s like…

Yes, was one of the people who was level 100 within first couple weeks of release. This has killed many end game builds. I wouldn’t mind if they buffed significantly worse builds but everything now is just meh for some classes.
Only options right now is rogue, druid and maybe at a push necro.
Anyone who chooses Sorc or barb either don’t understand the end game or they must love inflicting pain on themselves.