Level scaling is the worst idea of this century

You’re still on ACT1 campaign at level 44 because you chose to do it, nobody forced you. You have to be able to self-manage the progression of the story and what the game offers you, and I understand that it is not easy but it is literally about choosing how to play. The only thing that’s actually dictated by the RNG is the quality of the drop, and in a game structure like this it can be much more difficult and traumatizing at certain times, I understand and realize that, but it’s Diablo, so we’re speaking of the obvious

The thing that feels odd is being punished for putting in extra effort. On my first character I went out of my way to do all the side-content because I thought putting in more effort would mean I was more sure to build strength at a good pace. But instead I gained exp but 0 gear and the monsters outscaled me, making me weaker for having tried harder.

This is simply not good game design, especially when the game isn’t upfront about it in any way. Putting in a ton of side content but secretly wanting players to rush is frankly idiotic on Blizzard’s end. If I’m stuck with rigid builds and sticking to linearly running the story on repeat then what does D4 offer that D2 didn’t in 2000? D3 also wasn’t designed like this, there doing side stuff was rewarding. So no I don’t think it is obvious that taking your time will leave you handicapped, it is very counter-intuitive both from a basic logic PoV and in the context of the series as a whole.


The problem is not the scaling itself but seems that it is not optimized imo

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Ah yes, because we absolutly never replayed diablo 1 -3


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He dont get the picture, being more and more powerful is old outdated concept

Game sucks balls, who knew slogging through Act 1 out of 6 is too long to receive a refund for this garbage game. Guess I got my money’s worth already eh Actiblizz?

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While I understand why they want the scaling. I deem the game being too hard all the time. In no way did I get any slack from my Level 1 to Level 49 during a weeks play. Its sluggish as a Barb, and too many has said “It will get easier at level XX” insert whatever number you want in XX, heard most of them by this point.

I wish once you reach at least 50, there will be ways to enter areas where mobs aren’t scaled, so you actually feel powerful. Or a way to toggle the difficulty in a way? Worldtier / tier / difficulty 1 is just too slow and hard.

I have played all the Diablo games, with exception for Immortal that I only played for the wings and pet for Diablo III, was like 15-20 minutes or so? So I do know enemies are harder after a while. But going between Diablo III and Diablo IV as a barb, D3 is more fun than D4 for me, since I can one-shot everything. So what if loot is trash? I feel great killing stuff!

Not sure if D4 ever will make any of my future heroes feel powerful, but I will stick around until I get something new to spend my time on. The endgame is probably the next “XX”. Once I reach there, I will surely one-hit The Butcher for sure! Riiiight… Not as a casual fan Im not.

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That’s just nonsense. There’s all kinds of ways to create replayability, and funnily enough earlier Diablo games had these figured out.

Also, there is a simple, effective way of stopping players from outleveling the content and incentivising them to proceed: make XP dependent on level. That idea is as old as RPGs. It stops the player from getting too op from grinding, while still rewarding the behaviour to some extent.

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Level scaling existed since Diablo 2 (I never played 1 but probably there also)

If the core game experience does not appeal to you, why play?

scaling is obsolete when you have world tiers. WT3 is way too easy, didn’t even bother to put a build together, still all packs are 2-3 shot

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It’s not that level scaling is bad, it’s just very poorly implemented at certain points in the game.


The idea and the concept is great with what you have explained in mind. This was the aim of the developers. However, the practical implementation needs fine-tuning. You could achieve the same by manually changing the world tier just like you always have been able to. Not by forcing it down your throat to the point you do get weaker with each level especially true past lvl80 once you have explored most of the avenues of getting stronger. Not to mention the fact the character that killed the “mother of sanctuary” is now struggling with a wolf… LMAO Good idea but needs work.

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Its always better to scale down than scale up, and who at blizzard had the bright idea of capping scaling in world tier 2 to level 50, you already can’t even get Sacred Items or Mythics.

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I agree, this makes no sense at all, especially considering how previous Diablo games worked. If you want a harder difficulty, you either raise the difficulty level or you go to later acts. Having the whole game scale with you is a complete braindead move and plain frustrating as it robs any sense of real progression, if not directly going against it.


Uuuh, no. You had 3 difficulty levels (Normal, Nightmare, Hell) and later acts became more challenging because you were progressing in the story. Mobs and bosses definitely didn’t scale with the player’s level. You could perfectly well go with your Hell-level character to Nightmare or Normal difficulty and wipe everything in sight if you so wanted to. Source: played D2 for multiple years on Bnet. This change makes zero sense.

100% agree, having played all Diablo games this is extremely surprising to find in D4. They’re shoving down MMO mechanics in an ARPG and it feels like another misguided effort to “innovate” in ways that nobody asked for. Always online requirement and now this BS too? Feels like D3 RMAH all over again. Why are they breaking something that ALWAYS WORKED?

p.s. And I’m appalled that in A FORUM you’re limited to 3 replies per topic??? WTF Blizzard


I think if your main focus of the game is leveling then level scaling is a bummer. But the massive amount of content is there for a reason and with a slightly different game focus and maybe a little tweak then level scaling becomes a non-issue. I don’t even know what level I am if you asked, I feel stronger and that my char is progressing over time - whilst at the same time feeling all content is still relevant to me.

TBH a lot of games have taken this approach now - especially to enable new players to feel part of the community rather than stuff in some desolate part of noob lands for decades whilst they level.

I don’t mind level scaling anymore. I think the idea behind is that story zones where you lvl up are dead once completed the game so lvl scaling makes those zones usable.

However the idea is that lvl scaling only applies to it during lvling. I don’t understand at all why scaling is after story.

Level scaling is just lazy
we have 5 acts all the same level
easy work for blizzard

Or 5 Act’s that constantly adjust to you and your friends levels so that it remains relevant to all … rather than 4 Acts that are meaningless because you have out leveled them and your friend is only Act 1.

I do suppose it makes less sense if you have no friends.