Level scaling is the worst idea of this century

After few dozens hours played i can wholeheartedly say that level scaling is a terrible mistake.

Ive never played a game where my character becomes weaker after leveling up. This is ridiculous. Whats the point of leveling up?


Level scalling create replayability. Imagine if mobs from act 1 remained level 1-20, when you will go there at level 50 you will one-shoot everything and loot wll be trash.


Absolutely this, I don’t get the idea behind this. You get weaker as you level up, your damage etc all goes down. Who thought this was a good idea?


Given I somehow like the scaling idea, they could have “saved” the scaling for T3 and T4 and leave T1-T2 without scaling.

Would have been nice to feel op during the campaign.

I wouldn’t even mind level scaling, but it’s done so bad that you actually get worse instead of power levels staying pretty even…
Good open world scaling should mean you get marginally stronger against similar enemies, not worse.


I’m not getting worse, but I’m not getting stronger either.

If the idea was to make us feel permanently “on par”, their balancing with this has been awesome.


ive been playing like that for years and it absolutely fine. every video game works this way and it has never been an issue.

Keeping all content relevant in exchange for some people not getting to feel like “the chosen one” is a fair trade.

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Sorry, but I highly disagree.

That’s not true, you get lot of power with levels by items, skills, paragon… … you are not left behind mobs power.

You do not get weaker as you level up. You get access to Paragon points which in turn makes you stronger. The Paragon system is literally designed for you to pump damage. Diablo is a loot treadmill game. If you don’t want to play the loot treadmill then get off and go play something else.

No it is not.I like it in gw2,wow,ff14 and now here

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Some people seem to be playing a different game. Scaling is and is tragic. You can’t dream of a powerful hero crushing hordes of demons as they also become stronger with each level. A simple example from Kripparrian at the beginning of the game you are able to kill a bear with one shot with chain lightning - only at the very beginning of the game you can’t repeat it later. From my own experience - I’m doing a dungeon, let’s say it goes well, I get a level and suddenly I get my edited by moderation kicked. And so throughout the game up to level 100 (let’s face it, which will be unattainable for casuals) because monsters scale up to 95 lvl.


Level scaling is good, it just needs to be balanced correctly. Every game your character gets weaker as they level up because you progress towards fighting harder monsters, this is exactly the same in essence.

The alternative is you’d be level 90 and there would only be one area in the entire game that’d be worth farming, because you would outlevel the rest. Or the entire game can be relevant and it can scale. Balancing the scaling is the tricky part, but you still generally get stronger compared to the content for the majority of time due to gear progression, this is only not the case if you’re making poor gearing/talent choices, which is very possible too.

If you want to make the comparison, you’re not killing dungeon bosses in 3 seconds at low level, but you very much can be in WT4 at level 70. If WT4 capped off at level 80, there would be no problem at all.


Buuuh. I’m crying because I can’t brutally take down hordes of enemies just by right clicking spam without forcing myself to use my brain to figure out what tactic to use to constantly boost builds and gear.
Let’s face it, apart from these baby whining, level scaling is one of the best additions that Blizzard could implement, especially considering the new mmo-open world style nature of the game: you have dozens, if not hundreds, of quests to achieve, areas to explore, things to do; the level scaling allows you to do it in total freedom without having to worry about following a pre-established path, or not being able to exceed with exploration or side quests, with the risk of becoming overpowered and not being able to enjoy the challenge of the game anymore. In D3 this happened differently, the difficulty could be increased dramatically at any time until you found the hardest wall to hit your head on, but it had a closed exploration nature with defined paths; here we have a different way to achieve a similar result made necessary by the different structure of the game: entertain with challenge.
Personally, I much prefer the system devised for D4, and if this game didn’t have level scaling it would have been, imho, crap.


“the level scaling allows you to do it in total freedom without having to worry about following a pre-established path”… and that is exactly a different point of view on one thing. For you, freedom is level scaling, for me, the elimination of entire hordes with one click. The problem both in terms of sheer will and technical issues is that we are still talking about a game … a virtual product that could have a lot of options to suit your preferences.

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They could have enabled it after the campaign, but then they would had to balance zones for character progress, much more work.

I’m still on ACT1 territories and campaign and i’m lvl 44 already on normal difficulty, this game wasn’t designed in clearing full acts in mind.

I am guessing some are putting on gear and not understanding their traits or values, just because it is a legendary or even a rare could lower you in power if you slap it on and it is useless for your build, look, learn, enjoy. No point putting on a piece that has 200 extra armour if it has ice traits or earth traits and you have not got it in your build, right there you just handicapped yourself.


I think the idea itself is good but the current implementation does leave something to be desired. If you’re not lucky with drops you indeed quickly get the experience of growing weaker and weaker, I have had the same experience on 3 characters now so I can only conclude it is an actual feature of the game and not a fluke. The biggest problem is the time is takes to kill enemies, as soon as you go into the 20’s and above TTK seems to rise to absurd levels for an ARPG and the fact that you have to use your resource-building filler wet noodle ability 80% of the time makes it worse.

I like the concept, so I simply hope the implementation gets tweaked soon. Rn I actually can’t see how playing on WT2 is ever worth it during leveling, the added exp is not a good trade for taking several minutes to kill 1 mob pack. I don’t think I’m handicapping myself in any major way, I’m using meta builds and the gear to go with them but I have been very unlucky with drops so far.

If you are getting weaker as you level, you are doing soemthing wrong. I’m able to survive and deal with much bigger hordes of enemies as I level up. More abilities, better gear, more legendaries, extra features, etc.


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