Loading screen / Return to dungeon not possible

Dear support-members,

what a beautiful game :smiley:
But i want to report an issue changing regions.
i cant enter the town portal to return to “light watch” (i hope this is the correct translation) from kyovashad.
After a loading screen (about 3 minutes) i return to kyoshad and the character still stands near the town portal.

Is this caused by the server issues (loading private instances) or is this a bug?

I have only problems within loading screens (in other region changes too, sometimes the game crashed (with these error numbers 41995900-6E23-43CE-A396-F9E64B4809DF, 72FE9208-0ACE-4C44-B847-9A7324A87076)

I searched for similiar topics in the forums but its a bit confusing because the current amount of topics…

Thank you and kind regards,

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