Looking for active clan in EU

Don’t know why the the “Clan and communities” channel is closed on EU Forum. Anyway i try it here. i’m looking for a Clan to join. I’m playing both softcore and hardcore. I love to try out different classes and builds and just interact with people in different ways.

Edit: Alternative I might start my own clan, let me know if anyone want to join and help recruit and help growing a community together

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Its hard times to play in this game.
Because is dead.
When i started my clan got 150 active players with high req to join.
Now DISCORD of my clan is dead.
Nobody is playing…

AND almost everybody fells like DIABLO 4 is a SCAM GAME !!!

Just because your clan is dead, it doesn’t mean the game is. There are plenty of seasonal players. No game retains its launch popularity for very long and D4 is almost a year old now.

This game got around 12 mln players in 1 season.
Now almost nobody is playing.
Not only my clan but almsot every clan in my country is dead.
Because this game suscks !

And almost every person is sayings its a SCAM game.,
They wont play in D4 even if this was a f2p :slight_smile:

hey :slight_smile:
i don’t think u know everyone in ur country :slight_smile:
and i would just play d4 even if ur tar d clan is dead :slight_smile:
because i think it’s fun :slight_smile:
and i think smileys is for kids and trolls :slight_smile:
like us :slight_smile:
but hey, why u derailing the thread with ur shiz bs about ur loser clan :slight_smile:
this a thread about joining a clan, not ur primadonna bs country redneck :slight_smile:
guess everyone just gonna keep on playing without u then :slight_smile:
bye :slight_smile:

I just installed the game again yesterday to try out if there is something new. Uninstalled in Season 1.
There are ZERO players on eternal realm, really, ZERO. So I started a new season char, 5 players online in the middle of the night, 12 players online right now in gaming prime time. Zero responses to party requests in chat. Seems there are really no players left. I dont think my season char will make it far

First of all, you know the maximum ammount of players you can encounter at a time is 12 right? that is in no way a metric of how many are actually playing, it just means that the server shard you are on is full.
Secondly, the ingame chat channel on D4 has been dead since day 1, there is no functional useful global chat in this game.
Im not arguing that the player count is low, it probably is, especially since season 3 is old news by now, and most are off waiting for season 4, but you cant messure player count by what you see ingame.

The MMO aspects of D4 are a complete failure, people just aren’t into that, most play solo or with friends. Anyone looking for clans/communities should look outside the game, such as discords ect. because the game does not provide proper tools for that sort of thing.

Chat wasnt ded from day 1. The first weeks and even start of season 1 was full of people talking. What about trade channel? This one is not limited to the server, is it? Anyways, the last time I have played it there where way more people… my clan - zero players, Ive seen ONE person running around out in the wild doing something. This is a huge difference to the early days.

You tell me I cant messure the overall player count by what I see ingame… So tell me, how can I see better metrics? There are no other ways I know of. Also I dont really care if its 100 or 10k playing right now, what I do indeed care for is finding a few players I can play with.

It feels like I´m alone in the game and I honestly cant stand that, an empty world is depressing for me.
Ill give it a few more days, if I find no other players I´m gonna stop again until next season.

Not here to bash this but seeing what it has become makes me sad.

Well like i said, the season is all but over, we are more than 3 months into it, and most people are done, and waiting for season 4, you will see a surge in player count when season 4 launches, thats just how it is with seasonal games. Furthermore there are communities to find outside of the game, if you try im sure you can find some on discord or whatever.
Its a shame the game doesn’t provide better tools for this at this time, maybe someday.

Yeah lets see on next season… if there are no substantial improvements Id assume 1-2weeks into the season it will be the same like it is right now.
There are indeed reasons why people left en masse… there is indeed a reason I didnt play for months… coming back, playing 3 hours, nobody online, dead world, getting bored after few hours…

At least there are a few knights that still defend it lol. Good luck Savator.

You can call me a knight if you want, but i dont think thats what im doing, i think its fairly reasonable to state that the player count, however high or low it may be overall, is at its lowest by the end of the season in a seasonal game.
Personally im a solo/coop with friends player, i don’t need other players, to enjoy the game, but that doesn’t mean i dont sympathize with those who do.
The halfassed MMO aspects of this game are terrible for everyone, its just enough to annoy solo players and not enough to please multiplayers. It is possible to have it both ways and make it work, but D4 lacks so many components for it to happen, anything from private sessions and offline modes to global chats and group finders.

I mean I have 10 people in my friendlist playing HOTS right now, 7 playing heartstone, a few are on Overwatch… nobody ever is in D4^^ Tells a lot.
Anyways I´m out again too, feels way too ded for me. Cya on S4

see one guy on ow sometimes and none on hearthstone. got several on d4. Sometimes the odd guy on wow. Saw a guy on dI the other day. and have some on hots too. doesn’t tell anything but that you clicked people that play hearthstone because you play hearthstone. or just coincidence. super cya