So my two questions are:
1: Why does it drop so many health potions? Is that really neccessery, because in my playthrough I never really found the need for so many health potions to drop…
(it kind of ruins the fantasy when there are 15 health potions on the floor after doing a dungeon boss, not really a deal breaker but still a bit annoying)
2: I see gems drop but then they are not in my inventory, why is that?
(also cant you slot Runewords in armor and weapon at once, can you only have it in armor or in weapons?)
Gems dont drop as items, they drop as fragments, a crafting material used to craft gems at the jewelcrafter. This is to save inventory space, as in the early days of D4 gems dropped as items and took up a ton of inventory space.
Hmm I was sure I was reading it was gems… Il double check.
Any “knowing” about the heath potions over abundance?
They really do overdrop a ton…
Im not sure im that makes sense on a higher torment but at T1 its kind of ridiculus, as it was during the campaing.
And thanks for responding Savator.
In Diablo 3, the HP potion system is much stricter. After playing Diablo 4 exclusively since its release and not touching Diablo 3 for a while, I went back last season to try out Crusader.
And honestly, I felt so limited having only one HP potion. When enemies were hitting me, that one use of the HP potion felt like it actually mattered.
I don’t understand why Diablo 4 didn’t go in a similar direction. I agree there are way too many HP potions dropping in Diablo 4, but at the same time, during this season, I played a Rogue with the HP potion-stunning talent, and I was struggling to find enough potions. So, in that sense, I get why they tried to make them more available.
The potions are valuable, and you will probably need them on higher tier stuff like Pit pushing, and some of the challenging bosses, like Andariel, so if you can collect, then you don’t have the onus of using mats to craft them.
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yea, there’s abundance until it dried out… then u wish it drop more potions. situational though. some stuff let u spam potion for some reasons, which also need to be considered (having it viable to spam a pot in some situations) when altering how many pots, baseline, will drop. i figure it’s fine if there’s a lot of pots. then if things go wrong, u can go back to them. usually things go right but sometimes they don’t, which is situational ofc.
point is that i think that potion abundance is fine.
It could be that a lot of potions drop in D4 as they only last 30 minutes, whereas 1 potion in D3 can be permanent
I meant regular healt potions… red bottles…
I was talking about HP potions (10/10) that you use when you need to heal yourself. 
In Diablo 3, you have one potion with a cooldown, and if you don’t have it, you’re basically dead when things go south.
Diablo 4 is much less punishing because you have 10/10 potions, and they drop like crazy.
That depends on the build, I suppose, because on Rogue, when you play with the HP potions stunning talent, you lose them pretty quickly. So, in that sense, it’s kind of balanced.
But on other builds, it’s too much, in my opinion.
It should be one potion with a cooldown so you’re punished for making multiple mistakes at once, and you eventually die from not having any HP potions.
1: Reason is - rework of core system that happened in Season 4 and 180° change of direction towards D3 gameplay 
In Diablo 4 vanilla , potions mattered and you had to plan your fight, when to collect them -if you check boss healt bar, you notice 3 or 4 small lines - this marking means, when boss health reaches the line - 2 health potions will drop. In vanilla it was the question of life or death if you played HC 
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