[Main Thread] Slow Download Speeds - Oct 17th 2023

What’s going on with the update servers? The patch downloads at ~20 KB/s on a perfectly fine 300 MBit/s connection.

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I have the same problem. Only few Kb/s and I have 1Gbit connection

I had to restart battle.net app coz speed was only 91 kb/s and now I cant log in. Login issue?

The same thing is being reported on the US forum.
Oh, they actually got a blue response.

Hey everyone,

Just chiming in to let you know we are aware of this and at the moment do not have any specific troubleshooting we can recommend. We are currently investigating the issue however and any updates or recommendations we get will be posted here.

Hey there,

Just confirming the above quoted message is accurate and we are investigating.

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Same issue every time there is a major event release.

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Blizzard are digging their own grave , yet again.


Already hate the season

I manually set download speed limit (was not set by default) to an absurdly high value, after that it was downloading between 10MB/s and 70MB/s. Setting is accessible where it shows your download speed while updating.

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You’ll even get 20-140MB/s if you restart your PC three times and your router five times in between each PC reboot. After that, take your dog for a walk and feed the troll.

That is totally not true. I did that to test it out, and was almost constantly at 190MB/s.

I can confirm that setting your own download speed for updates works 100%. I set mine to 200,000 KB/sec and my update started downloading at a much higher speed.

I tried setting the speed manually but nothing changes.
The speed fluctuates between 20 KB/s and 110000KB/s no matter what.
It’s like I’m seeding torrents but this is not a torrent client.

I checked the task manager.
The Battle.net Update Agent still uses the hard drive even when it’s not downloading, so my guess is that it installs stuff even when not downloading.
So it is not like steam for example which can do both at the same time.

Customer Support - 4 total posts xD


no it doesnt …you guys are just incapable of seperating anecdotal evidence from real evidence.

Set both download speed to 999999 seems work. try

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