Minions not attacking certain objects

Sometimes my minions are not attacking certain objects when no other enemies are around, such as the drowned bells. this leaves me rather handicapped since my own “personal” DPS is rubbish and i rely solely on my minions. Cant recall having this issue pre-vessel of hate :frowning:

The same goes for Tenet of Akurat’s Defiles Shrines. I can’t destroy them. My minions are just standing there, doing nothing.

And respec back and forth for personal DPS to destroy shrines are absurd.

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Can it be done with reinforcement on curse or blight cast? As a work-around, or do they have the same bug?

No, I couldn’t find any. No matter what I do, my minions just stand there

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Right, but the reinforcement which is a mercenary feature. I was wondering if they attack these objects, since mercenary does attack some objects. I’ll test it later with the drowned bells.

I haven’t tried the bell yet, only the Defiled Shrines. The mercenary doesn’t do anything either, even when I try attacking with some basic skill.

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yea mercenary just stand there looking happy and carefree. Tried casting various things to make aggro happen, nothing worked. i had to just slowly wear and tear it down

Bliz needs to make it so you can control the minions what they should attack

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Так големом вроде можно, кидаешь его и все бьют его цель.

This seems to be fixed, at least for drowned bells in the event in Scosglen.

It doesn’t work for destroying bandit resources and caged animals in one of the strongholds, but that’s ok, they’re easy to destroy with blight.