I was playing the whole day, and suddenly tonight at around 21:00 I noticed my gold is basically all gone. I had close to 3 million gold saved up from quests etc., and now I only have 120k gold at the moment. I didn’t buy anything ridiculously expensive. It just vanished. Please can you get someone to look into this for me?
First time i hear that…Did you maybe tried to reroll some stats in an item?
its lucky you can get 3 million gold back in 3 nightmare dungeons at higher levels
you roughly make 700k-1 million a dungeon if you pick up all and sell
No nothing major, I re-rolled maybe like 3 stats, did a few basic things. I was literally in town, putting items in my chest, went to do a quest and when I opened my inventory again it was gone. I’ve never experienced this, been playing blizzard games for 15 years now. It’s just irritating.
If you rerolled the same item some times then after the first time you rerolled the price is 500-700k per reroll…And the price goes up every time you reroll the same item…But depends if the item is regular legendary sacred or ancestral…
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Thanks, maybe that happened.
This is still happening, it’s happen to me multiple times and i kept thinking hey maybe i spent it somewhere and not realized it. Nope. Same thing today, lost 3 million, repaired my gear once today for 138k. Thank you blizzard because I’m done playing and grinding for you to steal my money. And no I DID NOT BUY THIS WITH REAL MONEY. I worked for it
This just happened to me. I had 12mil before starting a dungeon, teleported to town afterwards and noticed I only have 6mil now.
Im not in a clan so didn’t accidentally donate, don’t play with other people so I didn’t trade it, wasn’t even in town when it happened so I didn’t buy anything. It just disappeared… this is the third bug I’ve run into with this game and I’ve only been playing for like 2 weeks. My bugs have all been issues for at least a year, too. JFC