Need some Rogue advice from Rogue players

I previously played Barbarian before getting it to lvl 100.
Trying out Penetrating shot Rogue and having quite decent gear I struggle to clear even 55+ NMD.

Are Rogues extremely weak in this season or am I doing something wrong? My Barb obliterates everything without effort, can’t say the same for the Rogue, atleast not in 55+ NMD’s.
Is the PS build rly bad? Maybe TB Rogue is alot better? Pls help.

Im old and useless Rogue, I never use a copy paste build, just make it up on the run. To 100 has been fluid x3 runs… try different builds or struggle on forever and best lol.

Im having the same issues with the rogue.
I basically asked the same question on the forums before & was told to max armor etc.
atm I have 23K attack power but I still struggle. The imbuements dont pack much punch against bosses.
The ranged rogue is weak, no doubt about it.

in the upcoming season this time i will create a rogue, never played one, and since i always play solo i don’t really care about how strong/weak he is and i always create my build depending on what drops i get, see you all in the next season.