Or is it just disabled temporarily on PTR? Headhunts is the best content so far in D4 and I would like to level doing it. Also plethora of loot is perfect in season 7. That’s what I expect from a casual game like D4.
season 7 is ass.
i’m happy about the looting but i’m unhappy about what i’m doing in the game. like i think that the enemies should offer some resistance, they should also move and do stuff.
whatever though, be what it will then; just saying.
HAHAHAHAAHHAHAis seasion 8 you moron no head hunt three go be normal too no wish power etc 1 april come early XD
Headhunts are part of the seasonal theme of season 7, obviously they wont be in season 8. Some of the objectives might stay as regular whispers, but seasonal events are seasonal events, they dont stick arround forever.
Imagine how bloated the game would get if every seasonal theme stayed in the game permanently.
Better a bloated game than boring.
POE does that successfully almost every season and there is so much content to choose from. Headhunts could come back without heads. Could be headless husks every time. I just enjoyed doing fast whispers.
i be so what poe have with diablo 4 ??? i dont care seasion 7 is on head hunt be new seasion 8 be out new things come and for fast to tree run hell tide or legion event or dungon same fast