So i just dropped 7 amulets, one ancestral - and only 2 had passive ranks while paying 50M Gold for all amulets legendary or better should have a passive rank.
This really sucks and brings the game in a bad relation to players trying to improve their gear!
welcome to Blizzard.
I payed maybe 6 times never got nothing I could say I like…
Just ran 2 tribue of radiance last night and paid the 50 million gold to have passive ranks, only 1 piece of gear out of both runs had passive ranks on it and it wasn’t even greater affix. Blizzard is quick to patch anything beneficial to the players but this problem has been known since season 6 release. At this point, the Diablo 4 devs are just lazy idiots
Acabo de ofrecer el tributo de amuleto para el ancestral con amuleto de pasivas, gastando 50 millones y no me ha tirado ni un solo amuleto…que estafa es esta???
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