Organized S4 feedback

As I’ve done each season, here is my organized list of feedback. If you look in my post history you can see the previous lists; it’s getting shorter so they’re clearly improving.

S4 was fun for a couple of days but the issues quickly became apparant so I’m clocking out again until S5.

As always, these are my personal opinions; if you don’t agree that’s fine.

Biggest issues:

  • The game heavily discourages experimenting with builds due to the inability to save gear/skill/paragon loadouts.
  • Most NMD dungeons go on for far too long due to the ‘open the door’ objectives and backtracking through endless empty hallways. This is why people did the far superior Vaults in S3.
  • Uniques lost a lot of value because they miss out on the stats from 2 Tempered slots. Apart from a handful of build-enabling uniques, it’s difficult to justify using them.

Season 4:

  • TLDR: While there’s a ton of absolutely great changes in this season I stopped playing after a week. I’m not going to be farming gold. Tormented bosses are essentially unavailable because the Stygian stones barely drop. Getting 1 shot by Pit bosses is just not fun.
  • A lot of great changes!
  • I’m constantly running out of gold. If this is unintended, please adjust. If it’s intentional to encourage Whispers, I hope you step on a LEGO every morning.
  • NMD objectives still suck, they suck even more now after Vaults.
  • The Consumables tab is still a problem. Far too much stuff goes in there now.
  • Necro minions need some pathfinding & targeting upgrades. They’re often lagging behind or just standing there while a ton of mobs are eating my face.
  • Tempering manuals need to be more distinctive from other loot.
  • Tempering & Masterworking need an ‘always skip animation’ option.
  • Prisms are unreasonably rare now.
  • The split-second one-shot mechanics on the Pit bosses suck. Having Lilith show up with her usual badly telegraphed one-shots sucks. Getting one-shot by the tiny little fireballs from the Shamans fire totem sucks.
  • High level Pit bosses suck even more for melee.
  • The rewards at the end of The Pit feel underwhelming. No guaranteed greater affixes, a tiny amount of masterworking mats, no legendary gem to upgrade so you at least have some progression.
  • Tormented bosses are a nice idea but the Stygian stones are FAR too rare, the ‘starter’ bosses probably shouldn’t require as many mats as they do, and they should all drop way more summoning mats. They’re not worth it apart from ticking off the season journey req.
  • The seasonal journey part that requires you to kill 5 Helltide Commanders sucks. RNG upon RNG.

Season 3:

  • TLDR: Stopped playing after 2 weeks. No endgame to speak of. Got sick of dealing with loot without a loot filter. Got sick of the convoluted aspect system. Got sick of farming Duriel and Malphas mats.
  • Vaults after the 1.03a patch are superior to NMD, except for the trap room at the end. The dungeon before that, and the loot explosion after are very satisfying. Nice mob density, no backtracking, doesn’t go on forever, no “go save 6 prisoners” or “go find 2 keystones at opposite ends of the dungeon” objectives. The trap room just sucks though, and failing the run because of deaths in there is very frustrating.
  • Removed other issues after season end to not bloat this list. They can be found in my post history.

Season 2:

  • Did not play as S1 sucked.

Season 1:

  • TLDR: Stopped playing S1 after a couple of days as it was annoying and boring.
  • Removed other issues after season end to not bloat this list. They can be found in my post history.


  • Most dungeons feel like they are bulk generated by AI. No originality or personality.
  • Disabling the crossplay features improves client performance dramatically on PC, don’t know about console. Game is a lot smoother with it off.
  • There’s still far too many mobs that explode on death.
  • The poison dot is still ridiculously overtuned. Popping multiple potions to get rid of it sucks.
  • Random events need to be way faster and intense. The ‘escort the ghost’ one especially takes far too long.
  • I know it’s not going to change but the shop prices are beyond obnoxious. I’d buy way more stuff if the prices were 20-30% of what they are now.


  • Finally they’re awesome and not mindnumbingly boring!

Nightmare Dungeons:

  • ‘Slay all mobs’ and ‘Collect animus’ are boring and take far too long.
  • I want to play this ACTION rpg, not run around and free 5-7 prisoners.
  • If I come across the second ‘key’ item before I come to the pedestals, let me pick that up as well instead of forcing me to backtrack twice.
  • ‘Stormbane’s Wrath’ gets deleted instantly.
  • ‘Death pulse’ gets deleted instantly.
  • ‘Lightning Storm’ constantly has you running back and standing there waiting, completely killing the flow of the run.
  • Maybe move all the loot to the end? That would add a better flow to the run and there will be a satisfying loot explosion at the end.


  • Please let me zoom out the minimap more.
  • Please start sorting stuff like Glyphs consistently. Equipped → level → alphabetically → rarity. Not whatever you’ve got going on now.
  • Let me hide the keybind indicators on PC.
  • Let me scale the UI on PC.
  • Change the color selection in the transmog UI so you don’t have to scroll.
  • Add a 24 hour clock.
  • Add a UI element to indicate a Sigil is in a Whisper dungeon.
  • Let me load a saved transmog even when the weapon item type doesn’t match. Just load the rest without the weapon.
  • Action wheel customization should probably be accountwide instead of per character.
  • If every item that drops on WT3 is Sacred, and if every item I get on WT4 is Ancestral; does it really need to be pointed out in the tooltip of every item that’s on the ground?


  • Please reconsider the map overlay. Constantly hitting tab and/or watching a red line on the minimap just to see where I’m going is annoying and way more
    immersion breaking. Zooming out the minimap more would help a lot.
  • Consumables tab is always full. Obvious fixes: separate Sigil tab and/or make boss summoning mats go into materials (like gems do now).
  • Please let me complete multiple Whispers before I have to go turn it in at the Tree. Feels like I have to go all the way over there every 5 mins.
  • Let me summon the special bosses again, right there at the pedestal without having to go out, reset the dungeon, and having to run all the way over again please. You spend more time on loading screens than fighting bosses.
  • Let me add ‘Reset Dungeons’ to the action wheel please.
  • Let me teleport to a party member directly please.
  • Let me pick a default town portal city please.
  • Default town portal city and a separate keybind for the Tree would be perfection.
  • The ‘Skip campaign’ option should unlock all waypoints.
  • Let me trade duplicate mount drops, or at least give them a somewhat significant vendor value.

Good compilation. Going to add:

  • We need Belts: atleast 2 more Potions and various effects and Healing choices on them. Add 1 different Potion type with item level.

So Sacred items would have 2 and Ancestral 3. Make them share Charges and make them rotate.

Give option to choose which Potion activates first. They could also give permanent buffs or change through other Unique Items and Paragon effects. ’

Belts should roll new Blue Item Affixes and have Some new Implicit Stat.

  • What we need is more proper drops. Where are the drops that you just slam on and don’t need to temper or add Aspect? Give us proper 10-12 Affix Rares that are rare but still excist… All you need to do is put Class and/or level and Stat requirements on them.

  • Consider adding Cloaks too for extra Stats, Resource, Movement/Utility etc. possibly “unique” Implicit Stat.

  • Why Helms, Chests, Gloves and Pants don’t have Implicit Stats?

Game needs FIXED Rares you can’t Temper or work with Occultist.

Great feedbacks, I’d want these aswell.
Most of all an Armory where you can switch builds instead of creating 2 Barbarians as I have done because I don’t wanna deal with respeccing and item changing.

You skipped the best season.

i could write an essay but the most glaring short-coming atm is how tiny the pool of (uber) uniques is.
and they´re so uninspired.
that or the woke losers continue colouring stuff pink in a diablo game.

I second the whole list you wrote. Especially saving builds because it requires a lot of time building it again as the paragon board is so complex. That is fine, but I don’t understand why QoL changes from D3 aren’t simply in here from the start such as this.

Speaking of QoL changes. Please make The Pit REMEMBER what my last played level is. I’m going to see a doctor soon from all the scrolling with my mouse. This was also in D3…

Add this:
Make gem fragments quantity bound on monster level, not char level. Whats the logic behind Doing a 60 NMD with a 51 Char, getting ~29 fragments, doing it with 70 char ~29 fragments, doing it with 71 char ~92, doing it with 91 char ~189 ? Drop quality and quantity should match monster level, not char level…
And fix Glyph rightclick behaviour. If I rightclick on a glyph to fast allocate xp after a NMD, the one glyph that is selected, NOT POINTED AT gets the xp. Bad counterintuitive Design.