Please fix chain lightning in the next season

  1. We need some kind of auto aiming for this spell. You really can’t expect that on PC the player always has the mouse cursor on the enemy. The battles are fast and enemies die and respawn everywhere. The Player has no intention to miss the enemy with the spell to lose a lot of mana. The spell must always hit the next enemy in the direction (not a wall or item). Even when aiming left and an the only enemy is on the right side then the spell should target this enemy. Please see POE “arc” implementation.
  2. The chain lightning should never leave the visible screen area. It’s always pulls other enemies from the off-screen area when aiming at a range targets. Let the spell return to the player or other enemies on the visible screen. It’s also seems that we do not get any mana when the spell hits something in the off-screen area.
  3. The spell should prefer targets with status effects done by the player first.
  4. Increase the speed of the lightning. It’s lightning!!!

If a sorcerer can’t control the behavior of the spell. Why should he cast one.


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