PLEASE let me up the difficulty

Why do i have to beat the entire game before i am allowed to raise the difficulty?
This is without joking THE easiest game i have ever played in my life. as a necromancer i could beat this entire game by just holding the analog stick, NO buttons/skills need to be pressed. the minions will carry me. it just drags on and on and on and i cant speed it up fast enough due to the stupid horse unlocking way WAY too late in the game. how did diablo evolve into something even a toddler could complete.

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That is how it usually has been in diablo. In order to get to the higher difficulties, you need to complete something. Though in Diablo 3 it was a little bit different, you still had to complete things to get the higher torments open.

You people these days want everything done in an instant. No work needs to be done, it cant take any time from you and everything must be gotten at once.

You could not start the game at wt3 for sure, you would instant die and you minions would be useless. And if you complete the campaign once you have forever unlocked the mount, no big deal tbh. Sounds like diablo games is not for you, if you can not wait a day to the game to be more difficult. And if you are as good as you make it sound like, then you could get to the harder parts in a few hours. And lastly you do not complete the hole game on one difficulty. You complete the game across 3 difficulties.
So before whining you should try complete the game…

what makes u think i want everything done in an instant. its the opposite. i dont care about xp, i just want a challenge while playing trough the main game so i can actually take it slow… is that too much to ask?

@Mysticuei played all previous diablo games and they got progressively easier even though 3 was already way too easy as well. so with exception of D1 and 2… maybe you’re right and this soulless husks of its former self aren’t for me…

i think theres something seriously wrong with the balance of your game if even farming games like stardew valley provide more challenging combat than d4…

You guys missed the point. GrandTickler is right, campaing is not updated to catch up with all changes made during last year.

I am pretty sure Blizzard will fix it very soon as they have to optimize everything before expansion release.

i cant speed it up fast enough due to the stupid horse unlocking way WAY too late in the game

what makes u think i want everything done in an instant.
i dont care about xp, i just want a challenge

Nice troll post.

played all previous diablo games and they got progressively easier even though 3 was already way too easy as well

You definitely didn’t or you’re just a bad at observing things otherwise you’d know those games didn’t have level scaling. You could easily outlevel a zone/act if you stayed longer than intended or kept going back for some reason. You had to redo the whole campaign on each difficulty to unlock the next one, here you just have to reach certain lvl and finish a dungeon for it, so I don’t get why you feel it’s any slower than before. You came here to flex playing one of the all-time(d2-d3-d4) op classes and claim the game is too easy for you. It’s meant to be easy until you reach wt3 which is around lvl 50. Go pick the weakest class, unlock wt3, don’t look up any guides, meta builds, just play the game as intended and see how much you’ll love it when you don’t have an army of mindless pets killing everything for you.

You are playing the wrong game. Play PoE. Start Hardcore, SSF and Ruthless mode. I guarantee you will struggle.

If you want a challenge in D4 play Ice Shards or Chain Lightning Sorc, because Devs don’t play them and will ignore those both in next Expansion too as they have shown to do 12 months straight and gay.

its not a troll post. like i said i feel forced to rush just to be able to up the difficulty to have some sort of a challenge. i dont want to but the game is made way too easy

even if u outleveled a zone by 10+ levels, D2 could still be a challenge. if u dont kill the monsters attacking you, you die. in D4 if u dont kill the monsters attacking you, you simply just regen HP faster than they can damage you. i also think level scaling is one of the worst features ever introduced into videogames since Oblivion and is just a lazy way of attempting to balance a game. (and as for D1, i dont think you played it as theres no outleveling anything in that game lol)

i can guarantee you it is NOT around level 50 lol, i was level 50 after just completing act 1 with a full set of ilevel600 gear due the game throwing non stop treasure goblins at me. i wanted to take my time exploring, doing side dungeons and get all the lilith statues, but slowly came to realize that even though there is no level scaling, they failed at balancing the game’s difficulty. after which i now feel forced to only beeline for mainquests in order to up the difficulty, in the hope that maybe ill have more fun taking it slow on wt3… terrible game so far with every boss dying in less than 1 second

well if ur that good u should let us see you clear some pits 140+ with ur analog stick :=)

D3 is a proof upping dificulty by +1 torment every few months is not a solution.

In D3 you can farm t16 , 3 hours after reaching level 70.

Adding t17 is not a solution and never will be because eventually you will glide through the highest difficulty and then what, add t18? Such trash and unoriginal system,its beyond comprehension.

Adding POE mapping style,where you can increase difficulty on your own could be a proper solution.

i dont think difficulty its a problem in this game tbh … u spend more time masterworking and tempering then actualy playing the game… cuz u want to do the dumbass pity system … and break useless items … then get 1 stat u need … then go break other useless item… then get the other stat u need. … then u go into masterworking wich can take actualy couple of days to be done … by the end of the week … u got ur 2 Ga weapon nicely UPG and then guess what … u find or buy a 3 GA weapon … then lets go againe … etc… for me its just dumb the way tempering works and masterworking … we should be able to choose the stat we want to buff … like when u do the enchanting stuff … u choose from 3 affixes … it should be the same so we get more time enjoying this broken game then spending hours and hours on trying to hit the right tempers and masterwork on items …if that gets fixed … then u can actualy get ready for more difficult … gameplay … get higher pits etc… so u can push till then u stuck at pits90-100 and helltides … wich in matter of few hours gets u boared

even if u outleveled a zone by 10+ levels, D2 could still be a challenge.


if u dont kill the monsters attacking you, you die. in D4 if u dont kill the monsters attacking you, you simply just regen HP faster

What a dumb take. If you don’t kill the monsters in any game attacking you, you die. You don’t have baseline health regen, you either have it from skill or gear or don’t at all. Again, you rolled the most broken class so you can flex here that you can faceroll wt2. I also yet to see health regen that can outheal enemy dmg.

i also think level scaling is one of the worst features ever introduced into videogames since Oblivion

It has its benefits though. You just happened to bring up the absolute worst example. A game that is almost 2 decades old. It was still experimental and we all know that Todd is an i…t.

and as for D1, i dont think you played it as theres no outleveling anything in that game lol

You’re right, it was boring as hell so I gave it a hard pass. My first ever diablo was the second installment.

i can guarantee you it is NOT around level 50 lol, i was level 50 after just completing act 1

There’s your issue, you should have finished the campaign by the time you hit 50.
Prequisition is being 50 and a finished campaign. Once you done it, you can skip it on your alts.

with a full set of ilevel600 gear due the game throwing non stop treasure goblins at me

That was a limited time event that lasted for a few days. Go write a blogpost about how it ruined your life.

i wanted to take my time exploring, doing side dungeons and get all the lilith statues

Fine, but don’t get surprised when you don’t get to unlock higher difficulties any faster then. As I stated before, and it’s not made up, it’s a fact. ALL of the previous games diablo 1, 2 and 3 had their difficulty levels locked behind completing the campaign on each difficulty once. D4 is the first ever diablo game that let’s you unlock all the difficulties by playing through the campaign only ONE single instead of 2-3 times. You just fail to acknowledge it for some reason.

Given you’re just exploring stuff, dungeons and statues, I can 100% tell you’re just a 0 milestone player who probably bought the game on sale just recently. You should have done it a year ago when it was around 70-100€ and played the most neglected class, the sorcerer (which is afaik still the worst of all) and tell us how good you have had it, especially after the massive nerfhammer that hit that class the most especially if you were not aiming for the most optimal meta build.

You’re basically complaining about nothing.

Adding t17 is not a solution

Agreed, we need another 15 on top of the current maximum, a total of 31 torment levels. Difficulty/torment levels should scale up to max gr with increasing rewards.

Adding POE mapping style,where you can increase difficulty on your own could be a proper solution.

Sounds like the same system to me, but it’s poe so it must do it better.

Are you playing hardcore…if its too easy try that