PS5 options button crash

Hi first time posting about this but I had had this issue since launch of D4 but I find it’s somehow gotten worse in Season 4! It happens randomly when I press the options button on ps5 controller to open inventory.
The game just completely freezes but the audio continues. The audio continues but it’s not live, it’s almost like a continuous repeat sound of 3 seconds before the game froze the only way I can play again is closing the game completely then launching D4 again until it does the same thing at a random moment when I try to open inventory with options button on the controller. This of course’s messes up with potion/incenses since they get wiped when you relog. Sorry if this has been posted before but I always assumed this would be been fixed since I vividly remember on launch I tried hard to avoid opening inventory to check if I had space in hell tide after opening a hell tide chest because many times I items that dropped would just be wiped due to game freezing and restarting.

PS5 here
I have been searching the forums and Reddit. It is not you, I crash 90% of the time when I teleport into town. It is happening to a lot of people , just go google it.
I also lock up randomly in town (not so often) black screen, and my horse just won’t sprint right away , has a 2 - 3 second delay. It is all since the latest patch.
The game has worked flawlessly before, just since the last update/patch
There is no response from Blizzard even acknowledging the issue.
I have even stopped playing as there is no point, sad to say because season 4 was actaully enjoyable for a change.