Quality of life changes

We need more bag space and i hope they can make it like 50 whipsers or something before you have to hand in as most of my gametime is spent travelling to the vendor/blacksmith to empty my bags and travelling to the tree of whispers (which involves the inevtible game crash due to the memory leak at the tree)

Nope, none of these are actual issues, its just you being lazy. You can teleport anywhere instantly, it takes like 20sec to return to town, empty your bags and go back to where ever you where, simmilarly it takes 20 seconds to go to the tree of whispers, get your cache and go back to where you were. Bag space is no more of an issue than it always was since Diablo 1. You dont get to carry arround hundreds of items because you cant be arsed to go back to town every now and then, thats not how the game works. Stop hoarding, you dont have to pick up everything.
As for the supposed memory leak, make a bug report, personally i have no issues at the tree of whispers, and never had.

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don’t be daft you cant even do a dungeon without your bags being full

Sometimes i get a big lag when teleporting to the tree. Sometimes I even crash from it.
Saw it today. Never thought about it before because it’s not just there. I have a weak gpu so I kind of expect things to go wrong from time to time, hence I don’t really note where things happen. But since that guy has a problem and I do too, perhaps there’s more to it then.

Idk about bigger bags. Would be better if we got less loot I think. And they’re making that happen for season 4.
I had this idea that we’d get regular material drops, and ofc regular drops but also blocks of material that takes up a slot.

Well aren’t they planing to change that in season 4 you’ll only get materials from anything below legendaries once you get to WT3 or WT4?

That pretty much fixes the issue, doesn’t it?

Yes, does. Thank you for telling specifically how they’re reducing loot quantity.