I tried with 3 seperate, new, charactes: the ‘approach door’ step in the ‘lambs and wolves’ is bugged as the door is not clickable. Workaround: teleport to a town far, far away and then get back through the townportal and the door is clickable. I’ve seen this one also reported on some other forums and see a lot of people (as the game is an MMO right now) running around the door trying to find a way to get in.
But: I run in the same issue with all kinds of other, older quests. Like the quest where you have gathered the resources for the medicine for the bear in tal dulra and then need to meet the druid south of the town. I have tried for to get to her, but every time I get near to where she should be standing, the quest-marker disappears and no one is there.
Same with finding Aneta after giving the flowers to her mother: I hear the townfolk scolding her, but in this case that’s it… The NPC’s aren’t there and it’s not possible to proceed the quest.
With these quests, moving to the other side of the map and then return doesn’t solve the issue.
It almost seems that with all the extra monsters and quests on the maps right now, all different for all those players on the same map, the servers cannot keep up with it. But it is not possible to disable helltide, for instance. Though that would be great, just to be able to level some more by doing the ‘old’ quests before taking on those monsters. I have the game since release, but haven’t had much time yet to fully experience it.
I hope this can be solved soon, otherwise season 5 will not be for me. Perhaps I’ll return with season 7 or something like that.
My girlfriend and I have had the same issue. Hopefully they get it fixed.
After abandoning and restarting this entire quest line close to 20 times. I found the only way to fix it was to abandon it, leave game, pick quest back up. Do quest right then and it worked! If I did anything else it bugged, NPCs would go missing. (Like doing the dungeon while collecting the venom it would not work.) I suggest finishing that entire quest line in one run. If it bugs the only way to do it is to start over, abandon, etc…
And Abandoning starts you at the beginning of the pick ups the quest, so if say you have all 8 venom and you have to abandon the quest. You have to go all the way back to Zarbinzet and listen to the guy talk to Mom and then follow the lady again. Very upsetting, and this is not the only quest I have found this season with missing NPCs.
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Same here , nearly all quests that NPC’s change place, move , is bugged. I leave them till tier 4 and start doing them on the way to helltide, dungeons etc.
All of them have this, not only quest npc’s , creatures, even shrines disappear. They are on the map, when you get close they just vanish.
If no one cares about side quests, remove them. If not fix them.
Same problem here (playing on Xbox). The quest target disappears when I’m at the location. This has happened on multiple quests with my seasonal character. It spoils the game as now there’s limited things to do. Hopefully there will be a fix soon
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I’ve had this happen for a few different side quests now too. What I’ve done to fix it is go to the location I need to speak with someone, leave the game entirely, and log back in. The character/NPC should load in from my experience. I’m playing on console and it’s worked for me.
actually im running into more now and this doesnt always work
this definitely needs a fix
Same. started in the south with just a single quest now its stopping me from doing any quests in the south. I cannot proceed and its ticking me off.
Same issue, quest targets disappear when approached. Playing cross platform with friends.
For those who still have the same issue - change to worldtier one no issue there starting that quest. GOD loot to ya’all

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Same issue, but I HAVE found a workaround that has been working about 70% of the time for me. Seemingly the quest disappears when you enter the specific area block the obj is. What I found is if you enter the area block from another entrance, sometimes the obj will not despawn. Sometimes it still will not work but has worked for me up to about Act V. hope this helps until it is fixed.
Also having this issue all over as of 08/20/24. Super annoying and there doesnt seem to be a permanent fix.
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This is most annoying. You get a side quest and between stages you visit a town to dump some items , get back to where you left off… BOOM!!! quest just vanishes before your very eyes. Annoying af!! if it happens once…
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Same issue…very frustrating.
I had luck after disabling cross-platform.
Same issue here…Logged on and my 100 lvl character got to speak and start season 5 but after I went into a pit for a few rounds and came back to the quest it was gone. Now there are no quests and no npc to talk to so I am screwed. Playing on series x and pc with cross save. Cant play the storyline at all. Gamepass version
Yeah, this bug is out of hand right now. It’s happening for so many quests that its becoming unbareable. 
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Same problem here. I cannot finish my renown easily when i cannot do side quests. This means i am missing paragon points and cannot get to last glyph slot on paragon board. SUPER FRUSTRATING! This might be worse than the Infernal Hordes stopping right in the middle between waves.
I was told I could have done all the 115 side dungeons (with 15 min per dungeon, forum opinion -30 hours) and 214 side quests (with 40-45 hours estimates online) of game time only once and be done with it for all my all my Eternal and future Seasonal characters in about season 3. My mission in Season 5 was to get it done instead of trying to get to level 100 early in the Season. To save this time in future season cycle focusing on higher level gam count. This is the second season I am trying to achieve this goal because of all the surprises!
- Random drop quests you will probably miss if you are riding a house (commonly called “hidden side quest” now)!
- Seemed like the middle of the time spend till today in Season 5 when strange things started happening with side quests.
- In Hell Tide, leaving by the North Gate at the end of the walls was to the open area was the Traveling Scholar. Who disappeared when I was attacked. During the follow game play I check if the Standard Side Quest Icon at location reappeared it didn’t!
- Started the series with Shob’ha in the Deep Forest. Completed step one and return iCON disappeared. Went to to Shob’ha and she was not there. Status would not update until Hell Tide was over. The next step required I clear a dungeon. Next step was to return to Shob’ha. I dropped a pin on the return icon. When I returned she was no there. I ran 3 dungeons to ge the game some time. Between dungeons, the return Icon was there. Then after the last dungeon run. I returned. She was not there. Restarted D4. No help! Checked for Updates. Current. Ran Scan and repair. No Change.
In Tur Dulra and Farobru the Return Icon show, but leave either location to outside of town and the Return Icon disappears. Waited overnight tried from Tur Dulra and as I left town Hellfire Triggered and I was able to complete the next step. While Shob’ha’s familiar was clearing the new threat, in spite of the Hell-tide, The Icon for the Traveling Scholar appeared! I went to it and activated that side quest. I was able to complete Shob’ha’s quests in the the Hell-Tide, but it was very confusing and time consuming. None of the time estimates reflect this kind of effort in a side quest!
- So, The Traveling Scholar is now active during Hell-Tide! The scenario for this quest is the same as the last with the Return Icon in the open area when in town that you pin and goto with no NPC there to continue the side quest when not in Hell-tide in this area for now. Hell-tide started again in this area. Return to The Traveling Icon was displayed after exiting D4 and reloading. I was allowed to complete the next step. We went to the nearby waterfall, the NPC ran off and the Return to NPC Icon was not re-established! Went to closest town, Return to NPC Icon was displayed as being in front of Wallfall’ Pinned the location, and NPC was not there! Exiting D4 and returning to the same area produced no successful results. I was able to go back at 8:26 PM my time (about three and a half hours later when Hell-Tide was not running?) and return to the Traveling Scholar and finish the Side Quests. I was doing Dungeons, leveling and doing build up grades in the meantime.
I have until Oct 8th to complete 36 side quests and 53 side dungeons. It looks like I am going to run out of time again! I did all the dungeons in season 4, but I was unable to complete all the side quests by just 6 in Scosglen!
This project is hard enough for the reasons stated at the very beginning of this journal about, more than 70 hours of gameplay when the game was first introduced and side quests worked very well. I found the game with a good story line, great character and voice acting with coordinated side quests. But, this is session 5 and the side quests are getting redundant and are very time consuming! I spent more time on the side quests this three day weekend with all of there new issues, above, and including those that were not affected by Hell-Tide. I also had to do some abandon and start overs!
I really hope support can give this some attention and resolve the side quest issues!
I can honestly say that the time lost to this effort has affected the character build process results because I can’t usually put this much time into a game 3 days in a row! This character has only reached level 95 and we have a month and 8 days to the next season!
Update 9/4/24 - Looking for the next Dungeon when a Hell-Tide was not running in this area, I saw a blue side quest icon on the map near a road in the Dunes of Despair to the East of Collapsed Valut, I pinned it and on the way there it disappeared! That evening during a Hell-Tide in that region, there were two side quest Icons on that road. The first was Mirage (did that one right away! The second turned out to be the earlier Icon that disappeared! Road to Ruin (did it right away!). With On the Road to Ruin quest it had been hours of on and off visits of game play between Side Quest icons showing and being able to complete the quest! 33 Side Quest and 24 Dungeons to go. On Dungeon I ran out of Sigils because I was crafting sigils at least 3 levels higher to improve glyph leveling against a list of Done and Undone dungeons. So, I started walking from the closest waypoints to improve my chances of a random drop, which looks like it doubles the time on the average.
I’m having this issue with any quest that has to do with talking to people outside of town. This is super frustrating because this is my first character on the game and the remaining paragon points to my build are locked behind completing quests to get renown for each area. Please fix this