Quest New Again bugged. Beleth just stands still and does not do anything. After 30 sec he became targetable but only like 5% of HP can be taken, no more while he just stands still.
Same issue Beleth appears halfway through the dungeon and is untargetable and then becomes targetable. Get a message that “Dian has left party” and if you walk further in to what appears to be the boss room nothing happens.
If you leave the deceiver’s sanctum Dian returns but when you re-enter he leaves party again. Tried re-logging and it didn’t fix it wiill prob just abandon quest and re-try to see if that helps later
I am having the same bug with the “New Again” quest.
Bugged for me as well. Exact same thing as the others.
About halfway through the dungeon there’s some spoken dialog where Beleth says something like “Is that…!?” in reference to the sword. When I get to the boss room, Dian just leaves the party and the boss never spawns.
Bugged for me as well, done it and did not get the achivments Coiling fate
Can confirm this is still bugged, just tried to do the quest for the first time and a similar thing happened as described above. Dian leaves party and is stuck halfway through the Deceiver’s Sanctum. If you run to the boss room the (presumed) fight is not triggering.
the fight does not start in the boss room initially, and you were too quick through the dungeon. Same happened to me. I have reset the dungeon and went slow at the point where Beleth starts to talk to Dian. You have to wait until that dialog finishes and Beleth flees. Only then he will spawn in the boss room and you can fight him.
Same bug found in Oct 28, 2024.
Nov 3rd. Still bugged.
Same bug for me, I can’t complete this quest.
i remember this one. Disband and take it again. When you enter the dungeon DO NOT rush. Keep close to npc. Thats how i did it
Completed quest. No credit or challenge to mark it s complete.
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