[Question] About Destruction glyph's additional bonus

The tooltip says:

“Critical Strikes increase all damage THE ENEMY takes from you…”

Does that mean that only the enemy which was critically struck will experience the secondary effect or any/all enemies we attack after the critical strike occurs will be affected?

Im not sure. Right now Sorc Damage modifiers are absolutely bugged and lowkey.

Also these kind of damage multipliers should not even be in the game. It should be more interesting Rare’s, Uniques, Aspects, Gems, Jewels, Glyphs and Runes, blanced Set Items and +Skill Level damage increases.

They also should remove Attack Power from Weapons. 925 renders everything else useless before. Its not good design.

The way I understand it, when you crit an enemy, that single enemy takes the 2% increased damage, and if you crit him 6 times you get max benefit.