Rathma's Vigor not working with Legendary node "Bloodbath"

It seems that the Paragon Legendary Node “Bloodbath” does not work with Rathma’s Vigor (Necromance Key Passive).

This means that it only works for the the abilities Blood Lance and Blood Surge.
Which triggers overpower every 5/6 cast.
It does not work for the rest of the blood abilities, Hemorrhage, Blood Mist and Blood Wave or with Blood Surge and Blood Lance triggered by Rathma’s Vigor.

How is this not fixed?
I have seen people comment about it all the way in May-June.

I have noticed the same,
But I would also suggest a change to how Rathmas Vigor is working.
I think it would better be implemented to NOT trigger from spells that have already started the casting animation and thus not be consumed or applied to increase the damage.
Having an eye on a barely visible counter just to have it consumed by the 2nd hit of Blood Surge or a Bloodwave on the last enemy there is is already a pain.
Or currently to prevent this better not use any spell at all so it applies to Blood Mist on all hits …

In my opinion it would be much better to only ever consume the charge if a spell is cast AFTER Rathmas Vigor is fully charged and then the spells confirms a hit.