Rawhide and iron chunks clutter /capped - i had enough

its the second season im encounter same problem , capped those materials …and in order to get rid of them i have spent billions and other materials at blacksmith on legendary chests…atm im in that point i have no more resources to do it…tehnicly im done…im frustrated and mad at you DEvs of D4…this game has a huge range of issues and u konw it well…starting from crashing to freeze game to various range of small settings we can all benefit from …an example a disableing diff items like rawhide etc…not to pop up on ur screen or a minimap button u can choose what to see on it, or not speaking about chat settings most retarded cheap and basic ever…clearly u havent played and chat on ur product…did u play other games?? like wow ? your company same product…different chat system and options …for a quadrillion year old game…its way better than d4 chat…do u ever listen to ur comunity >>?? why the hell did u disabled in game tikets system? answer is to get on these forums not getting a answer or a fix…and get forggoten…
clearly theres more i could tell about this game …im an old school player played huge amount of time…d3 and d4…not only also about 8 year subrscitption wow smashing to leuutanant gen on vannila wow …for months… and here i am for the first time …cant believe im crying about all these things …when they supposed to be hotfixed way long before me porsting in here…
did u ever think …when its to much or to lesss items or whatever…to give ppl ways to fix their problems…why theres no vendor accepting to sell/buy any of the items like ex…iron chunks… easy fix…but no…u have ur way to get ppl mad
this is second season i have this issue with to much rawhide and iron chunks…i know before was not so much and u increased drop rate…but u didnt even think there might be players tha coul capp materials…with no ways of getting rid of them …easy…
atm rawhide and iron chunks capped and clutter my screen…get me pissed and anxious…ill def stop playing this, i supposed to have fun not get iritated by this…
pff cant believe iv paid 75 euro for this …


make the chat great again, yes.
not sure about it, like i figure they have a reason to have these contact rules. they’re trying to find a good way. but they should double down here, the game rest on the social aspect as that was decided when the open world multiplayer was. it’s like it’s an anti-social social game due to how poorly we play together generally. I did have a couple of cool plays recently though: met some guys and we happened to all have similar low dps. idk y they had low but i was testing a selig build. worked out pretty satisfactory for those moments but not for looting or gathering which… should be the secondary objective of the game after playing itself… usually u get a guy who understands what it’s about that kills everything on the screen perpetually without you needing to do anything so u can level up while sipping a coffee on the side. how that became our gameplay idk but… it’s there now, incorporated into the progression plan of the game.

i can’t believe u capped on materials! maybe i’m next then. not that it matters… that stuff is worthless u know. still… it’s a count, like score, and if it caps it’s annoying af since there’s no sink. I’ve been talking on this for greater materials like hearts and steel, how i want an option to hand them in for something. I suggested 50% of the boss loot but looking at my hearts stack and my overstocked inventory i’ll take 10% at this point. just… i am not going down there in that hole, i am just not doing it. i do not gaf, i rather leave the game than play 100 varshan, onto 100 grigoire, onto 100 duriel onto, 100 trib of titans back to 100 varshan. F O, I am 100% ONLY here for the WORLD and u send me down the pipes when it’s looking like this?? yea well… whatever, i can play it as is but it’s bloody stupid. gave away 500 hearts for free cause no one’s buying, cause they all ran varshan until their eyes and fingers bled and they got hearts to spare anyway.

we desperately need a material sink and a blacksmith that craft actual gear. but i get it has to coincide with the regular loot progression. the blacksmith should be a supplement to looting, not a primary source, perhaps.
imo, i wouldn’t mind half/half. blacksmith could be a major source of items if they sorted all the materials.
i’m a believer in loot targeting, regional resources:
better bows in scosglen, and there’s some herbs there for this incence but not for that oil. in kehjistan there’s great deposits of iron and earth materials abound… etc.

i got a 5120x1440 screen, ultrawide. d4 doesn’t use all screen real estate but it’s wide enough, i’m not too unhappy about it. But the black slices on the side, i could use that for viewing chat or… idk really, inventory? timers? if i could change the ui, maybe i could make use of this myself?
the minimap is my biggest gripe. i need to keep an eye on the minimap in case of goblins and to search seasonal areas for herbs or check where the mobs go and that. But it’s far top right. And if I’m looking at the minimap I am not looking at the game. Thankfully I don’t need to look at the game which should sound the alarm but somehow doesn’t. Now I need to move the minimap. This top right tradition since screens was 640x480 doesn’t hold. I want it center bottom. What i got there? my skills. yea i know which i picked. for cooldowns i could keep that a bit on the side or center bottom bottom, like a slice on the bottom with a transparent minimap resting on it. Maybe. I’d prioritize where the player needs to have their eyes and neither buffs nor cooldowns is that priority target. But IF a cooldown is the priority, or a functional mechanic like combo is, then the player should be able to opt it somewhere close to their character; center relevancy to the middle of the screen if at all possible.

thank you for posting. they really need to double down on the chat and the material handling, i think you hit the nail on the head with your complaints.

yea, me too. their damage is instant 100% and mine is chipping, i could never match that so what’s the point chasing mobs.
i got some advantage when mobs are trickling in, or i can at least play then.

yes, i always thought that. the game would be pvpve. the map would have bosses in strongholds and the objective is to kill the other team’s boss. first u need to deal with their attacking forces, forts and events… then the boss.

yea, i dream similar things. fun but it’s too far out there.

yea, i get that too but for me it’s 100% only about having a fun time of course. that’s the true reason for the game. i think sometimes developers forget that.

ya, they should allow us to change things on our own. there’s no allround solution that fits everyone. could be made easy and simple, i really believe that.