Remove ‘the Butcher’ from Hardcore mode

The Butcher is a fun and exciting encounter with a change on big loot.
Tho this guy is Overpowered. Losing your your characters on tier 1 and 2 is no fair play!
I would like to see the Butcher removed from at least tier 1 and 2.

Considering how trash tier loot goblins are they should nurf the butcher by a huge chunk. My lvl 16 barb got some how 2 shot by this ape.

Then you guys are doing something very strange… I killed him on HC as lvl16, and if you are lvl 25+ you should have escape scrolls to flee if you know you can’t fight him… He feels way weaker then he was in beta.

He wrecked me all the way up to level 70+ through all the tiers on every single encounter and then on one encounter I could go toe-to-toe with him and take almost no damage. The next encounter I got wrecked again! I don’t think he’s any fun at all. He can appear right in the middle of an elite mob and you either have a survivable build or you don’t and that is largely up to your class and how lucky you are getting decent gear rather than any skill in this game. There are some game issues that can get you one-shot by pure accident that “The Butcher” mechanic doesn’t need to be one of them, especially in Hardcore mode.

Ohh dear, did you poop in the chair as well, when he spawned…???

Have you even grown out of nappies yet?

The Butcher as he are now is fine. You are supose to be scared of him untill you are owergeared. You don’t run dungeons on tier 1 and 2 anyway. Spend the time doing grim favors. If you can’t survive to get away from the Butcher you probably have to much of a glascanon build. Focus on more defensives stats like damage reduction, armor and life.