what I hate the most are the defensive nerfs … like why? why crush the defenses … I don’t get it … soooo AI generated game! Brainless
i love the way people assume that everyone copies content creators…
i read the patch notes and its my decision not a content creators that they have left no viable builds for Barb… and the cores specifically for barbs are bad… but hell buff rogue
I bet The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut beats this game?
I’m lvl100 and have godly gear and I am getting dumped on in a lvl55 dungeon lmao. Spamming potions like a mad man, died twice to one shot damage. I have 16k life by the way.
I also uninstalled. I have been playing games for a long time and I have never seen a patch this bad. No class balance at all and this patch made it even worse.
Just as i tought they relased to show harts powers and as i presumed they are freaking cracked. There will be broken builds on broken builds all over seasonal realm. Season of the Malignant Coming Soon — Diablo IV — Blizzard News also take in to consideration that this are base level 1 values and will rise when you level up harts.
I dont think this is their whole plan.
Blizzard was fearing that people would come to the forums and complain like crazy that they have run out of stuff to do after just a few weeks and that Blizzard needs to add more content or shorten seasons.
Now they have made everything harder with nerfs all over and they have reduced xp gains which means that it will take much longer to reach “end game”.
So now when people come and complain in a 1.5 - 2 months instead Blizzard can say that the content lasted almost the entire 3 months for a season.
Blizzard in otherwords just made the seasons longer by adding nothing.
Barb has one good one, the crit chance when you spend 100 fury. The issue with it is that it goes against the Fury Cost Reduction affix being so strong for almost all builds, and having high Fury cost will slow down build speed, but you will need good attack speed to make it work.
It would mean a feast/famine build, which if you’re playing Whirlwind is kinda the opposite of what feels good, you want to be flowing. With the cooldown reduction nerf you’re going to have less shouts so less Fury from shouts to feed this. Getting high crit chance on Hota was already something achieved pre-season if you used Rage of Harrogath, even moreso for Whirlwind so this kinda power is really not as powerful as you think, especially if it scales negatively with Fury Cost Reduction as it appears.
The Barber, this works well with Whirlwind. This is the 2nd good power, turns damage into an aoe/amplifier, potentially very good for NM dungeons.
Malignant Pact - 1/3 of the powers is useless (attack speed) for WW, and the cycling nature of it is weird and very situational, the resource will help fix WW flow but it only being up 1/3 of the time and with 1/3 of the powers being useless, not so great.
The barb defensive ones are bad because one of them increases healing (useless) and the other one is an RNG chance to ignore damage, which is only good for effective healing by reducing overall damage taken (where barb is already decent) but very unreliable for the actual dangerous damage, the spikey one shot damage.
It’s not looking great, losing 750 armor is a gigantic loss of survival and the powers seem pretty mid, compared to the absolutely huge nerfs we just saw.
Dude revenge malignant hart on barb thorn build will be broken af also charge will be a thing. On thorn build you will be tanky even with nerfs and you will deal crapton of damage from that malignant power. Also this are level 1 values so they will rise with level. damage recived blows up for 250% of its value and additionaly deals fire damage + thorns.
Why are barbs even crying l2p ,
barb is 1 of the stronger classes crying pussies
go play sorc then you actually have a reason to cry
Oh sweet child, your innocence is actually heart warming.
Don’t know whether this guy is trolling but barb is dead class right now. Used to be good but after multiple nerfs. Might as well be deleted as an option.
Intelligent people in this game like Rob2628 who know the barb class inside out has already stated. Barb is dead. Listen to people who know what they’re talking about.
Sorc is also bad now.
Rogues and Druids will be gg.
Necro below them.
Sorc below that.
Barb delete from game.
I play Whirlwind Barbarian, haven’t really read all patch notes BUT, I just wanted to play one Nightmare Dungeon before Lunch.
Happened to be Ancient Reservoir dungeon on level 52. I simply do not have Fury.
I cast all Shouts, trying to build up some Fury with Lunging strike, and I just don’t have it. It simply can’t build up.
Am I missing some new mechanic or what is happening? This is unplayable.
nerf = less content
HUGE NERF (like this one) = no content AT ALL !!!
After so many years in WoW … well same sht … different game … “same” company !
Thorns? What are you smoking dude, show me a Thorns barb killing Uber Lilith, I’ll wait. Charge just got its CD reduction element nerfed hard in this very patch, it has no scaling/throughput, a utility inclusion at best, if even used at all.
And Destiny 2 is pretty much dead because of this, I was an avid Destiny 2 player and dropped the game again because Bungo doesn’t learn from their many many mistakes.
Millions played Destiny2 and now barely get’s 50k players a day now
Coming from someone who exclusively played Barb and got to level 100 in first 2 weeks of release, if Blizzard don’t do something almost immediately to barbs, then there will be a huge lack of class diversity as all of the people who understand how bad this patch has destroyed our only relevant efficient build, just won’t play it anymore.
I do expect a change but maybe not for a while. Blizzard truly don’t seem to understand what needs buffing and nerfing from these patch notes
Tip for anyone thinking of rolling barbarian for season 1, just don’t.
Rip Diablo 4 cya in 3 years when the game might be fun
game will be long dead before it gets fun … dev team has a proven track record