RIP Barb bye diablo 4

what did you do … do the devs genuinely not realise that nerf barb was a meme oh well …uninstalled


Big nerf on everything. I call this A Nerfix<we should keep calling it .
Yea good idea unistalling a game. Only they make game longer by weaking everything.


I guess they wanted people to play Whirlwind Barb, since Hota is dead and that was the only other build on that endgame level.

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Not after all . They push for a mastery skill tree.

They could nerf most of it because of seasonal malignant cores. Maybe they give a huge buff to armor or damage or give something that without nerfs would be stupidly op. On eternal realm i does sucks major a… but will see how it will look on seasonal realm. Thou sadly barb got worse nerf of all classes. Necros bone spear got also big nerf but not as much as barb. Also sorc now has almost non existent defense.

So Season is like> nerfing everything >playing season with new items>feel powerfull same as before nerf>new season>repeat ? And they call it a content nowadays


You oversimplyfied it a bit. New mechanic can change the way you play your builds so gamplay feels fresh and powercreep is a thing if everything is over the top op than people will finish the season in a week or 2 because everything will be op. So they nerf meta for different builds to trive. For example, destiny 2 also has meta and in the past bungie nerfed and buffed thing for meta to shift and force people to use different setups. Ofcourse there was crying than people adapted and had fun. If its a live service game than you can forget about 1 meta build that will let you own everything trough all the seasons. They will constantly switch things up and even harder in live service games. In live service games meta switches and buffs and nerfs are not for ballance purposes mostly but for meta changes so people will be forced to play different builds and adapt. A lot of people hate that in destiny 2 but still they are playing that game and blizzard can see it. I think there will be huge meta shifts per season and you will NOT be able to maintain you favorite op builds forever.

They didn’t nerf the meta to make other builds thrive.

There were 2 main viable builds that most people played.

  1. Whirlwind
  2. Hota.

Hota got an 80% damage nerf, which means it’s now useless. Whirlwind remains as it is, the other builds didn’t get buffed and were bad because they already got nerfed into the ground, that includes Upheaval and Rupture. Upheaval works at the mid-level, but sucked at any hard content, much like most other builds.

But they also made everyone much much less defensive, which actually in a way helps Whirlwind due to the ability to pass through monsters and sustain in a more passive way.

They just solidified the original Meta while reducing the viable build pool.

Wait for cores on max level and i think you will be suprised on how broken builds will get. They are not morons, if everythings suck than no one will play. Destiny 2 did the same so when i see posts here i know how it will be because i played that game 6 years and its always meta crush, people cry that everything sucks, content creators find broken builds, everybody copy paste the builds and are happy. Next season comes and here we go again. Also they do this so people go oh everything sucks on eternal realm but look on Raxxanterax on seasonal realm he made this super sick build on seasonal realm, oh so i go to seasonal realm, oh there is a battle pass, oh maybe i buy one if im on seasonal.

Doesn’t seem like a very good business plan to kill 90% of builds for the 2 days before the new season drops, relying on people’s goodwill to try and build it all up again from scratch using a new random trinket.

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The content creators will do that and when you se how they make op bulds on cores most people will play seasonal, thats how it works right now.

It’s as I said though, Gors even got buffed so they might even be usable now which would be a buff to Whirlwind relative to other builds. Hota being 80% down can never recover from this.

There was so much they could improve to help build diversity and they didn’t do anything, the changes they did put in to help weaker skills were very minor and didn’t address the core issues with those abilities.

I only meant that people try to judge season before it hit only by patch notes which in my book is silly. Wait for the season, than bash it if it sucks. I can bet thou that quickly content creators will make new broken builds with malignant cores. Just be patient, thats all. It can be crap i dont deny it but i can bet that with cores there will be new meta and new broken builds for every class.

Even if it turns out to be true that malignant cores make all the difference, it’s still an absolutely terrible move to kill the game they have active and live right now for the next two days. It’s as if the open beta tests were literally just marketing with no intention of actual balance, because the patch notes read like this is an early access game.

Oh wait…

At least ethernal players will have fun with those nerfs -20 NM dungeons levels. Because why you would even have fun right ?

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exactly … rip this game

Not much point when Blizzard have written in the very patch notes that they intended to make higher level content more deadly, when the problem with higher content was being one-shot. The other problem was excessive CC on players and they have also increased the CC issue instead of reducing it.

They have actually done many changes that are the opposite of what would improve the game. Increasing damage affixes while nerfing defensive is madness, NM70 and you can kill mobs with ease but one lone ranged attack from a random white mob can one shot you, and they want more of that?

How can you have faith in the changes when they didn’t address many issues, when they did some changes that were the opposite of what is needed and when they introduce items like Azurewrath which is a complete meme of an item from day one?

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Will not disagree with you on that note thou like i said i want to see all malignant cores because there will be offensive deffensive utility and unique cores so defensive and utility can make a lot of builds tanky and cc resistant. Like i said i will wait before i judge.

good for you man … good luck! Hope game turns out awesome … with no loot filters, inventory search … but great nerfs also in the future.

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We’re already playing the game though. What changed? My character got massively weaker and now some borrowed temporary power will be collected to partially counteract that?

No fixes or improvements to the overall game, complete opposite direction on many issues, build diversity being ruined. I liked playing Hota, you cannot fix an 80% damage nerf without direct intervention. The patch is just a giant tuning patch with no improvements, we don’t need to wait for the season to see that no new features were added.