RIP my RTX 3080 Ti

Being that this is happening during a cut scene and how reminiscent it is of the New World GPU failures, I’d recommend people enabling an fps limiter through either Nvidia control panel or rivatuner. It was suspected (iirc) with new world that due to there being load screens without in-game frame rate limiters the fps would instantly skyrocket and overload the VRM with transient voltage spikes that normally the card should have handled but due to manufacturer defects in the soldering was killing cards prematurely. Should games be able to kill hardware? No. But as we’ve seen before it can happen and it seems an uncapped frame rate on hardware powerful enough to send the frame rate instantly into the thousands in instances where whatever on screen isn’t demanding (like a cutscene or black load screen) seems to exacerbate weaknesses in the power delivery.

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My RTX 3080 Ti handled it just fine. Sounds like a ‘you’ issue and not Blizzard’s.

I had the same thing happen to me with my 3080 Ti.

My Geforce GTX 1070 held up great :joy:

Yea, this is another case of lack of in game fps limiters during low loads, people should always use RTSS to limit FPS.
GPUs have been burning since the dawn of time because of it.

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People forget, this happened with “New World” some MMO that launched in 2021.

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3080 ti user here i smeld burned plastic… after i played D4

My card did not die but I had a D4 crash (the only one during the whole beta weekend) with some system instability for a minute afterwards in the exact same cutscene - the chapel with the blood petals raining down. Rather old machine here, 5820K@4Ghz + MSI Windforce GTX 1080. System is otherwise rock solid in all games, Prime95, Furmark, etc…

Seems there is some funny stuff going on in that scene.

How is your motherboard-graphics running the game lately?

2080Ti user and I had no problem. Though my card is watercooled, and black screens do appear during some dialogues of quests.

however, it seems that most/all players who report bricked/dead GPUs were using 3080/Ti. So this seems more of a problem of 3080/Ti rather than the game.

Videos games cannot fry GPUs. The only software that could theoretically fry a GPU is overclocking software if you set the voltages too high. The issue with new world frying GPUs is not a New World Issue. It was an issue with the EVGA MOSFET circuits and poor workmanship. Those circuits control the voltage going to the GPU, they ramped up to high and nuked the GPU.

Diablo IV cannot fry your GPU, there are no Direct X calls or game engine calls that have access to voltage control. If your GPU died while playing Diablo IV, your PC had another issue. Defective GPU. Inadequate power supply or other hardware factors.

Anyone who claims a video game can fry a GPU has no understanding of how hardware and software actually work. Nvidia could accidentally fry a GPU if they tweaked the voltages too high in the driver, but that would affect anyone that updated drivers. I don’t see everyone’s GPU dying at once. Anyways. Good luck with getting your faulty cards RMA.

I would also check your cooling and power supplies. Overdrawing your power supply could also nuke a video card during a power surge if it was trying to save itself. Especially if the card pulled to much power that its overcurrent protection couldn’t compensate for.


Hello. This happened to me multiple times on my 1080Ti(x2). While in game for few minutes, all screens go black, gpu fans go 100%. Can’t do anything but restart. GPUs still working tho but happens every time I try to play Diablo 4 beta. Never happened to me in any game before. I guess I will have to wait for some fix so I can try another beta to make sure I can play before I buy the game.

I wrote to technical support gigabytes, describing the situation in detail, and attaching links to topics and messages. Received a response from gigabyte: we cannot know the cause of the breakdown.
Blizzard is silent, gigabyte is silent. The cards are on fire.
Or now they will quietly fix it, without saying why it happened, and without apologizing. Or soon, with the start of open beta testing, there will be many new victims.
I’m sorry but it’s just a shame

They won’t know the cause of your card breaking down. Tell you to send them the card. Then they will diagnose it and tell you what hardware part failed. The game is not and cannot fry your card. Blizzard is silent on it as there is nothing to report, the game cannot fry your GPU. Gigabyte is silent on it because they won’t know what caused your hardware to fail without seeing the card and diagnosing which component failed.

I started setting an FPS limit after my 2060 kept overheating in OW years ago, it didn’t damage my card then but I knew it wasn’t good for the card or my comp rank. I have kept doing it with every game and new GPU I buy out of habit.

I played all weekend. And today the game crashed and broke my 3070. I’m sending it back from repairs tomorrow. Hopefully they’ll repair or replace it. But man…

It broke my gpu and thats a 3070

was your FPS uncapped and all weekend it was working so at what part in the game did it brick?

I had it uncapped most of the weekend. I think I capped it to 100 or 60 yesterday. It was all fine. And today I was randomly walking around and was doing some other stuff on my pc too. When I wanted to record a bit for a friend of mine it crashed my pc. I got an audio error and straight after it froze my whole pc and I got a blue screen on my main monitor and the other two monitors just froze and looked pixely

Also have a 3080 - my game was fine all weekend (I just did dungeons and side quests, so didn’t encounter the cutscene issue) aside from a few minor stutters every so often. But today I accidentally hit play on the launcher once the beta was over (thought I was opening WoW) and my monitors instantly went black with some weird high-contrast red before my PC restarted.

Not gonna lie, am a lil scared to play more beta next weekend - though did instantly go and cap my FPS on Nvidia after this so maybe that’ll help.