S4 my feedback/experience

Hi im a Diablo nerd, and a dad. I wish i had more time to play :slight_smile:

I love s4. the game is obviously going to get better and better!

atm tho:
Game feels too easy, some endgame stuff is hard tho (good)

At the endgame it is not very fun to brick an item with two or three Greater Affixes… tempering needs a reset cost or something.

paragon needs an update.
i need wardrobe respecs

please add way more Uniques, legendary powers and Tempering Manuals with Mechanical changes to skills.

im not a huge fan of doing MILLIONS of damage on each hit. but i guess that train has left the station.

Sff mode plz. and the ablilty to turn off other players (only meet in town and worldbosses, stuff like that) i want to be alone in Helltide.

buff worldbosses alot.

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