Same shit different name

So, tried out season 3, its a disaster. Same OP builds and nothing more. Same looting and no new content. Reached level 75 with my Rouge and tried a different build than TB and its “suprise” shit. How can this stupid game be still alive and I paid almost 100 dollars for it. Its on repeat with the same old shit we have all seen before. Do blizzard really belive that people and gamers are full on retards? Hope not this is the future of gaming then we all will be doomed.


I have to agree completely with you. It’s a big steaming pile of brightly coloured excrement.

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It seems you are just bored and need a break from the game in general, which is not a bad thing and happens with most if not all games you play for a longer period of time. Maybe have a look into Season 4 when it starts and see if you like it more.

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