Scam TRADE, player exchanged the item last sec and stole cash. How to report?

So I was buying today a triple GA winterglass for hard earned 60b. The user (met exchanged it last sec, got the cash and blocked me. I was unaware about this kind of scam and didnt notice the fast “change” while I was selecting carefully the cash. When I opened my inventory 3 seconds later after the trade to check it, he was already gone. He gave me another 1 GA winterglass with low stats (he initially showed the good one ofc, before I selected the money). Weeks of farming and selling ga items are gone.
How can I report his battletag?

Maybe there are more people scammed the same way.
Scammer Battletag: dbdb#31566



Hi, I was deceived by him ( dbdb#31566) 11 hours ago. I have the same story and lost 50 b for 3GA winterglass amulet. His nickname on is “Azureraven”(probably He has a few accounts)

Dear blizzard pay attention to this guy. I have proofs like chat on diablo trade and his messages. He is a fraud. There is at least 2 episodes of scamming.


His nickname on right now is: NAVYELEKK.
He is still live and scamming with 2 winterglass for sale right now. Triple GA, the same as my scam (and yours).


He is probably making billions (or trillions a day with the same scam, and moving the cash through accounts).

I’ve opened a ticket under “account hacking” since i couldn’t find a proper way to report as a fraud/scam user. Hopefully all his accounts and linked accounts (he is moving the money for sure) get banned for good. A little hope to be refunded in game. Lets see how it goes, my ticket is live, waiting for a reply, with screenshots of the items, time, description and names.

Very frustrating. It destroys the fun and the diablo community. I’m really thinking about deleting my char and wait until next season right now.


Can you help me to open a ticket too? Probably together we can increase our chances to get him accountable.
I found him easy today with nickname NAVYELEKK. as you said , he acts the same scheme everyday i guess.


I went here: Blizzard Support - Contact Support

Then described as “trade scam report user” and went down until i got some “need more help” or contact us or something, until I could fill a ticket under “account hacking” which is not, but it seems like the way to pass the message. Then I described everything. Hopefully they will answer or redirect to the proper department and someone takes the action. This guy and all his accounts should be banned forever. Go for it, maybe if they get a lot of reports they ban his accounts and refund or destroy all the cash related.


I have submitted a ticket too. be in touch.


As soon as I get a reply I’ll update here as well. Hopefully more people will show up and fill a ticket. There should be an extra layer of security telling users when an item has been exchanged, specially while you are counting the cash to pay. Something like an extra step with a message “ATTENTION the initial item has been exchanged. Do you want to proceed?” and explicitly showing the stats before you finish the trade.


I agree with you.
60 b is a huge amount of gold and hours of playing


Hope he gets banned for wasting peoples time with that kind of stuff…


I found another guy who was scammed. He said he would submit ticket too later . cause he works now.

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I went to discord and described the situation . They asked me to submit a ticket on discord too, you can join if you want. Topic trading website > website-chat . Or you can go support-requests

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I reported him as well on His account is banned for now, as I can see.
I guess he will just make a new account and keep scamming people. I will upload an image of exactly how his winterglass looks like, so if you see one, under any any name or account, immediately be careful.

SCAMMER WINTERGLASS (write the i without space, as I can’t post the link here)->


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I agree he will just make a new account and keep scamming people as you said. Blizzard responded to me and said there is nothing they can do, but I found more players that were deceived and try to convince blizzard that it’s no okay to lost our hard earned money this way, also I posted a comment at rob2628, wudijo and RageGaming videos YouTube section to drag attention to this situation
And I found this thread
Item Trade Swap Bug + Scam - PC Bug Report - Diablo IV Forums (

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How come they can’t do anything? Can’t they track the actions and ban a scammer in their own game/platform? Are we on our own here?

More people scammed on the other thread by the same guy. Even one said that he double checked the item. He is using some kind of exploit (server lag?) and changing items last sec before the transaction is done. Wth.

This is a threat to the whole trading system. The guy is making billions/trillions and getting away with it. Blizzard, DO SOMETHING!

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I found a guy who sells exact the same amulet . His nickname is “GRACIELOC” on diablo trade site. Seems like this is the guy who deceives players.

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He is now OPALELEKK (same pattern as the 1st), same item. Price.

Check here:

He is also ONYXGHOST:

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OPALELEKK has been banned

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Seems like blizzard won’t help us in anyways they could. I am going to monitor the trade site tracking that guy down and report on him as long as i can.
Very likely his new nicname is CYANCRANE and his btag is zir#21698
update CYANCRANE has been banned.
update He’s INKYORC now.

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Blizzard replied me saying that it is bad but we “trade at our own risk”, so it seems nothing will be done for now. But I ask, ok we trade, so scammers, cheaters and so on are welcome in the game? They do nothing? Are they just banning people for inappropriate language?

I’ll keep reporting as well whenever I see a triple GA 65-90 winterglass for around 60-70billion. It is the guy.

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I agree with you and do the same.
PS: " trade at our own risk" sounds new for me, because they replied to me " use safe trade window!"
Those points contradict each other. They have " safe trade window" where we “trade on our own risk” . it’s hilarious